5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Attracting Luck & Good Fortune The Week Of September 16 - 22

These Chinese zodiac signs are predicted to be the luckiest of them all!

women in front of chinese zodiac signs attracting luck september 16-22, 2024 Cawistudio, studiobest,  cloverlittleworld, Cojanu Alexandru from Pexels | Canva Pro

Stand strong, and you shall find luck drawn to your strength. That's the collective's weekly horoscope for luck and good fortune for September 16 - 22, 2024. Five Chinese zodiac signs are predicted to be the luckiest, starting Monday — namely, Snake, Horse, Pig, Goat, and Monkey. But all twelve animal signs are encouraged to live with confidence and mindfulness, too!

This week, the I Ching hexagram of luck is Mountain over Fire (#22), changing to Earth over Water (#7). It reminds us that luck can often be manifested and does not always have to be waited for. So close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, ground yourself, and then make a wish. The more focused you are, the easier it will be to charge your luck and enable it to work magic in your life.


You shall soon find yourself strong enough (and confident enough) to make the most of the luck that the cosmos sends your way. Now, let's focus on Snake, Horse, Pig, Goat, and Monkey, the five Chinese zodiac signs that are the luckiest all week.

Luckiest five Chinese zodiac signs the week of September 16-22, 2024.

1. Snake

Snake Chinese Zodiac Signs Will Have Amazing Luck & Good Fortune The Week Of September 16 - 22, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva


Snake, your luck this week calls on you to be generous and charitable with others. This luck urges you not to think about your benefit at this time at all. If you allow yourself the space to be a light for those who need it the most, in whatever way you can, you will discover great wisdom at the end of your efforts. In short: this luck is calling on you to gift good fortune to someone else.

It's your choice how you wish to channel this in your life. But you are urged to trust your heart on this matter. It will lead you true, so your aid and gift of luck reaches those who truly need it and skips energy vampires in the process. The color red will be extremely lucky for you this week.

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2. Horse

Horse Chinese Zodiac Signs Will Have Amazing Luck & Good Fortune The Week Of September 16 - 22, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva


Horse, your week's luck is so subtle that you may not even notice it! You are urged to trust this divine blessing and go about your days to the best of your abilities. Sometimes, it's just good to have the cosmos extend support without having to prove anything along the way or be on the lookout for signs and synchronicities.

Just remember to set strong boundaries as you live your life. Your heart will guide you to what's right for you and away from what's not. Luck will smooth the way behind the scenes. The color green will be extremely lucky for you this week.

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3. Pig

Pig Chinese Zodiac Signs Will Have Amazing Luck & Good Fortune The Week Of September 16 - 22, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva


Pig, it's time to put your wishes to the test and see if the cosmos is ready to grant them to you. That's your luck this week. So, journal your intentions for the near future and focus on what you truly want (instead of what you don't want). This luck will work its magic once you are sure.

Just remember: you must carve out the time to do this exercise out of your own free will. So set a reminder or alarm so you don't forget! The window of opportunity is truly golden right now. The color gold and golden jewelry will also be lucky for you this week.

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4. Goat

Goat Chinese Zodiac Signs Will Have Amazing Luck & Good Fortune The Week Of September 16 - 22, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva


Goat, your luck this week has an eccentric quality to it. Lean into this, and you will suddenly become larger-than-life in the most astonishing way. Some Goat animal signs may experience success overnight. For others, you may get more publicity for your chosen life path, whether in public services, business, art, or something related to your career or vocation.

For a few of you, your luck will shine the spotlight so brightly on you that you may feel cold feet from the amount of comfort zone breach, but you will have to accept your fate. Ground yourself through mindfulness exercises. That will help you overcome your fear. The colors red and blue will be extremely lucky for you this week.

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5. Monkey

Monkey Chinese Zodiac Signs Will Have Amazing Luck & Good Fortune The Week Of September 16 - 22, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva

Monkey, getting or using a big title may feel a bit awkward, but your luck this week will make you the greatest of all time, figuratively, in at least one area of life. Thus, the G.O.A.T! Lean into this and let your talents shine. You have nothing to fear as long as you stay calm and keep self-sabotage out of the way. Your luck will take care of the rest.

If you feel called to, keep a journal handy to record your thoughts, ideas, and maybe a few fears so they cannot get the best of you. Now's the time to rise to the occasion and show others what you are made of. The color gold will be lucky for you this week.


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
