3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Their Relationship Challenges The Week Of September 16 - 22, 2024

Say what you mean, but also be sure to say it with love.

zodiac signs overcome relationship challenges week September 16 - 22 2024 Maridav | Canva Pro

During the week of September 16 through September 22, 2024, three fortunate zodiac signs will overcome their relationship challenges thanks to a few favorable astrology transits. On Wednesday, September 18, Mercury opposes Saturn. Watch what you say around this time. Genuinely mean what you express, but do so through a lens of love. You could express yourself more sharply, brashly, or abruptly around this time, increasing the likelihood of a relationship ending rather than working it out. 


On Friday, September 20, Sun opposite Neptune may make you feel like you’re suddenly seeing your relationship clearly. While how we idealize love often differs from reality, be true to yourself. Otherwise, you will be in a cycle of heartbreak that only continues.

Three zodiac signs will overcome their relationship challenges the week of September 16-22, 2024.

1. Virgo

virgo zodiac signs overcome relationship challenges september 16-22, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Knowing what you want is essential, Virgo. You may be uncertain if this relationship will work. While it may feel challenging, it’s also perfectly OK to trust the process. Give it a fair chance while determining if you can make this connection work. 

If you already know this is not the kind of relationship you originally signed up for, don't delay the decision. Giving your partner time to show you who they are is wise. So, if you are undecided this week, be open-minded and avoid jumping to conclusions.

Are there major differences between the kind of relationship and life you and your partner spoke about and what has manifested in your lives? To understand if this creates a nonnegotiable, reflect on these differences. Are they crossing your boundaries or need a romantic relationship? See if being more flexible, having an open heart, or your biases can help.

Would you still be feeling unhappy if things changed? Only you will ultimately know the decision that you are meant to make, but if this is a connection you may want to continue, then you need to be mindful of coming across as overly judgmental and harsh in your conversation with your partner — or they just might be the one to end it.


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2. Pisces

pisces zodiac signs overcome relationship challenges september 16-22, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

On Friday, September 20, the Virgo Sun will oppose retrograde Neptune in Pisces, showing how much you have drifted off course from your romantic intentions.  You have a great deal going on in your life, both within your career and your home. Because of that, you may not have been showing up for love in the ways you naturally would, or even those that you want to. This has caused you to act completely opposite of what you’ve dreamed of for your romantic life


This week, you may become aware that you haven’t been investing the proper energy into your romantic connection or being very fair to your partner. While you might decide that you don’t have space for this connection now, you also need to check that you’re not making any decisions out of trying to protect yourself. Give yourself space to reflect, quiet your mind, and maybe even reprioritize some matters. 

You don’t need to feel it’s all or nothing right now. With a little bit of rearranging, you can create the space that love needs to fully grow.

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3. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac signs overcome relationship challenges september 16-22, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


To have the future you dream of, Sagittarius, you must communicate what you want. Instead of waiting to see what is offered or choosing the path of least resistance, it’s time to decide what you want for your life and relationship. Just because it may seem like there are many options doesn’t mean they will all be good ones, and you can’t keep wondering why you’re having doubts when letting your partner create your shared future. 

Taking charge of your romantic life means knowing what you want. Journaling may benefit you around this time. You want to be mindful of any conversations, as they may become an argument and leave you feeling cornered.

Mercury in Virgo will square off with retrograde Jupiter in Gemini on Saturday, September 21, bringing about a catalyst event in which you are urged to speak up about what you want from your life and relationship. Be aware that this may also come across as a request from your partner, especially if you’ve been sending mixed signals or not following through on what you said you wanted. 

If you need a bit more time, then take it, but don’t simply agree to try to avoid an argument because, in that case, nothing will ever get resolved. You have enormous potential for romantic growth and a more significant commitment to this relationship. Still, invest your whole heart. The only way to do that is to clarify what you want.


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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
