2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On September 2, 2024

Feeling like today's got your name written all over it?

2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On September 2, 2024 Dean Drobot, Designed by you, Luis Felipe Alburquerque Briganti from Pexels, Shen Stock | Canva Pro

Feeling like today's got your name written all over it? That's no coincidence because we've got a New Moon in Virgo that's turning up the cosmic wattage full blast. This is the day you’re planting the seeds that will begin to sprout and show their potential when the next Full Moon comes around. 

You can think of the New Moon as the universe’s way of shining a spotlight under all those dreams you’ve been mulling over and take action and set them into motion starting today — like right now! This New Moon is a great time for reflecting on our past and setting intentions for the future.


It’s as if the universe is giving us a nudge — or perhaps even a full-on push — to work towards our dreams to see them shape and manifest in the real world. Whether you start that new workout routine or make that move for your business, this New Moon is your cue to set those intentions and set forth! And don't just set those goals and forget about them. Be prepared to show up and follow through on your plans under this celestial spotlight and watch your dreams go from "meh" to "wow!"


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Two lucky zodiac signs will experience abundance on September 2, 2024.

1. Virgo

virgo zodiac signs daily abundance september 2, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

Hey Virgo, do you feel like the universe is giving you a nudge to make some changes? That’s exactly what’s happening today! With the Moon making a biquintile to the North Node this morning, you're set to shake up how you handle your emotions — especially around those deep-seated feelings about your slice of the pie. Plus, with the Moon’s bi-quintile to Jupiter to add to this energy today, your emotional landscape is about to get a major upgrade, which will set you up to laser-focus on those career goals. 


Any professional pursuits you undertake in the next few days will be just what you need to calm those classic Virgo nerves of yours and give your self-image and bank account that much-needed boost you've been looking for recently.

Last but not least, the Moon’s trine with Uranus this afternoon will further open your mind to new ideas and possibilities, paving the way for personal and professional growth. Sure, the Sun’s semi-square with the Moon this evening might make you feel stuck between a rock and a hard place, but use this energy as fuel to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Be prepared to push yourself beyond your own self-imposed limits and make strides toward achieving your ambitions. ‘Cause the universe is ready to offer you loads of abundance today — all you have to do is reach for it.

RELATED: What Does A Virgo Look Like?

2. Sagittarius 

sagittarius zodiac signs daily abundance september 2, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro


Sagittarius, if you’re feeling like September 2nd is your day to shine, you’re totally on the money! With the Sun now nestled in the systemic sign of Virgo, it’s time to swap out your summer of wild escapades for a bit of career-focused TLC. 

With the Sun and Moon in Virgo today, this double earth energy has got you zooming in on the details; you know it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get your professional ducks in a row. Think of today as the universe giving you a nudge to set those big dreams into motion and prepare for long-lasting success.

And with tonight’s New Moon in Virgo, all your career aspirations and goals you've been dreaming up are basically already yours, cause you’re manifesting everything you deserve and more today. Whether it’s securing that new job or cementing your status as the family’s big cheese, this lunar glow is bound to turn your dreams into a reality. So embrace this stellar cosmic energy and let it propel you to new heights — the stars are aligning to make sure all your hard work pays off. 

RELATED: Best Sagittarius Colors And Their Meanings For The Zodiac Sign


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Jla Starr Johnson is a journalist currently enrolled in the Professional Astrologer Training and Certification Diploma Program at Astrology University.