What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest From September 2 - 8, 2024

We can journal to see what type of love and friendships we want to welcome into our lives.

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest From September 2 - 8, 2024 photocreo, Lisaabeth Studio, Deagreez from Getty Image Pro | Canva Pro

The week begins with Pluto retrograde entering the sign of Capricorn, adding more opportunities for evolution to Earth and Cardinal signs. On September 2nd, the New Moon will be in the sign of Virgo, continuing the collective transformation that intensified in August. 

Mercury is direct, helping us plan and proceed with anything we may have failed to finish. Mars will enter the sign of Cancer on the 4th, adding more potent energy for Cardinal and Water signs. Venus and the Moon will be in Libra during the week, allowing us to focus on love and romance, which are some calming themes for the week.


While Venus continues to mesmerize in Libra, we can journal to see what type of love and friendships we want to welcome into our lives.

What each zodiac sign can manifest from September 2-8, 2024

Aries: Romance

aries what each zodiac sign manifest september 2-8, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


Love, love, and more love is a powerful theme of the week as you abandon your apprehensions and embrace the changes with Venus and the Moon in Libra meeting in conjunction during the week. More dynamic energy is charged with Mars, which also enters fellow cardinal signs, helps you plan, and gets you back to where things were before Mercury started to retrograde. Although the energy may conflict, it will bring out your romantic side, push your plans forward, and teach you to be an excellent leader.

Journal Prompt: Do you prefer independence or a romantic relationship? What has love taught you in the last several years? What plans do you have for your relationships now that Venus is in Libra?

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Taurus: Results

taurus what each zodiac sign manifest september 2-8, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


Having Venus enter a fellow Venusian sign can help you discover more opportunities to incorporate the themes of love and care into your day-to-day life. A moment where you will not feel limited by what you do, instead you will focus more on attaining efficiency. The Libra Moon and Venus promote diplomacy and help you build better relationships with the people you deal with daily. Utilize this time to make impactful connections that catapult your vocational or schooling goals.

Journal prompt: What relationships do you want to transform with neighbors or colleagues? Are you usually a team player? What changes are you planning to incorporate in your routines?

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Gemini: Romance

gemini what each zodiac sign manifest september 2-8, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


Getting into the energy of this air transit brings you hope and plenty of optimism once Venus and Jupiter connect later in the month. While Venus in Libra meets the Moon in Libra, love from the past may take a new meaning as well as the one in the present. Being more honest with your friends and partners will help you to develop stronger bonds. This week, you are also called to develop a stronger root system with the New Moon in Virgo. This is also a good opportunity to get closer to those you love.

Journal prompt: How is your connection with family, and what do you plan to learn with this New Moon transit? Are you balancing work and career effectively? What changes would you make to improve if things feel stressful?

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Cancer: Mastery

cancer what each zodiac sign manifest september 2-8, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


The changes coming our way will allow you to reach within and discover your plan for the next several months. With the themes being brought up during this time, you will see how much you can uncover, especially if you enter the research domain. You will feel confident taking on new responsibilities that showcase your potential now that Mars is also entering your sign. In the creative sector, you can expect to have brilliant ideas, and it can be an excellent opportunity to elevate your talent, especially at home.

Journal prompt: What ideas have you prepared for this New Moon transit? How empowered do you feel now that Mars is in your sign? What are your goals for this Mars transit in the next several weeks?

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Leo: Friendships

leo what each zodiac sign manifest september 2-8, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


Reclaiming your power can affect the New Moon transit as you feel more recharged and enamored by your potential and future plans. With Mercury still in your sign, you can easily resolve problems now that the planet of communication has been stationed directly. The New Moon allows you to reconnect with friends, get closer to your partner, and continue with those plans you may have halted in August.

Journal Prompt: Have you reconciled with people during this transit? What have you learned about maintaining friendships?

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Virgo: a finished project

virgo what each zodiac sign manifest september 2-8, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


The New Moon in your sign can usher in a new beginning now that your ruler is direct. You are picking up the pieces from the impact of last month’s transits. Your story becomes more interesting, given the confidence and understanding you have acquired. 

The New Moon allows you to have faith in yourself, which can be challenging given that Saturn opposes your sign. As you continue to level up, you will see how you can thrive when you can be more diplomatic and confident.

Journal Prompt: What hobbies do you do that make you feel more confident? Discuss how you stood out at school or work in the last several weeks.

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Libra: a leadership role

libra what each zodiac sign manifest september 2-8, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro

Nothing compares to Venus in your sign, which makes you feel more confident and prepared for the challenges ahead. Venus and the Moon in Libra will also claim the stage in the middle of the week, allowing you to shine. 

With the New Moon in Virgo, it can be a healing and liberating transit where you explore your freedom before the Sun enters your sign. The New Moon’s energy calls for you to trust yourself and be more empowered. For the next six months, you will be pushed to be more organized with your moves and get the help you may need from others.


Journal Prompt: Have you given yourself periods to recharge? How are you using your energy during these transits with work and career? Are you asking for help when needed?

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Scorpio: a good friend

scorpio what each zodiac sign manifest september 2-8, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


Courage and love are tied with this week’s transit, which offers new perspectives and beginnings to relationships. With the New Moon, you may reflect on your friendships and those that transformed you. 

Venus and the Moon will conjunct during the week, and the transit may help you fall in love with yourself because you may be more willing to prioritize your needs. You are learning the importance of having a good circle of friends that provide you with love and support when needed.

Journal prompt: Discuss the meaningful people in your life. What are the good qualities you seek in a friend?

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Sagittarius: a chance to rest

sagittarius what each zodiac sign manifest september 2-8, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro

A lovely transit since the New Moon will be at the pinnacle of your chart, adding confidence and helping you feel recalibrated. But while you are praised for the work you do, you are reminded to stay on track. The mercurial energy over the last several weeks has been potent and made you take on too much at once. Take it slow now. Decide what routines work for you and what doesn’t. You are reminded that you can always modify your plans if needed.

Journal prompt: Are you taking on too much work? What do you do when you are overwhelmed? How will you utilize the New Moon to feel more confident and less stressed?


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Capricorn: an important conversation

capricorn what each zodiac sign manifest september 2-8, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro

Getting back on track can be synonymous with the energy this week as Virgo season helps repair August's chaos. Settling into this new terrain, the New Moon unlocks new sides for you, allowing you to problem solve and take on new challenges. Mars in Cancer will teach you how to be more diplomatic, which can help you evolve your communication skills. You will also see how this can help make you an exemplary leader, with Venus in Libra bringing magnetism and charm.


Journal prompt: How have your relationships transformed in the last month? Do you listen to others when you are in a team setting? What will you do to bring more harmony to your relationships for the next several months?

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Aquarius: a healed relationship

aquarius what each zodiac sign manifest september 2-8, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


Reaching alignment could be a theme of this week’s transit, especially when the New Moon starts the week, giving us new perspectives and an opportunity to exercise what we have uncovered and learned in August. Nevertheless, Libra's energy, combined with the Moon and Venus, adds love and compassion. You may reflect on how you have learned and grown and how your philosophy has transformed. It is also an opportunity to meet people that will help you think outside the box.

Journal prompt: Discuss how your philosophy has changed over the last several years. Do you feel inspired by your friends?

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Pisces: a goal

pisces what each zodiac sign manifest september 2-8, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


The Virgo New Moon centers around new beginnings in your relationship house. It can be a period where you redefine what love means to you and friendships. Venus entering Libra will also permit you to explore those relationships in your life with more depth and understanding. It is a time to release and experience new horizons because this transit can make you more emotionally vulnerable, and you will be more compassionate with those around you.

Journal prompt: Are you surrounded by people who care for you? Are you allowing yourself to be vulnerable during this period?

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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.
