3 Zodiac Signs Who Overcome Their Challenges The Week Of September 2 - 8, 2024
Now is the time to begin a new diet, exercise plan or anything that betters the general health.

The New Moon at 11 degrees in Virgo takes place this week on September 2nd. Virgo is the natural ruler of the 6th house of work, health, and service. Now is the time to begin a new diet, exercise plan, or anything that improves general health. Mars is square Neptune, which has become part of the New Moon's energy.
Mars-Neptune transits can be tiring and discouraging. This transit can be connected to creativity, compassion, or confusion. We often see water-related weather issues under an aspect like this.
On September 4th, Mars enters the sign of Cancer, where it will spend a great deal of time due to its retrograde in December. Cancer rules the home, the homeland, and the family, and we will be more focused on these things over the next few months.
September 7th, Mercury squares Uranus for the 3rd and final time. This is prone to unexpected news, excitement, agitation, and restlessness. Use care if you are on the road, as many won’t pay enough attention.
The Sun also opposes Saturn, as it does every year, and this is a tiring and draining aspect. Saturn delays slow things down, and in this case, some will try to denigrate others to make themselves feel better.
September 8th, Mercury re-enters Virgo for the 2nd time since it’s retrograde, so we may have to walk back and reconsider some of the ideas and events that presented themselves when Mercury entered Virgo on July 25th-August 15th. Some zodiac signs, including Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, will have a more challenging time dealing with the energies this week than others.
Three zodiac signs overcome their challenges during September 2-8, 2024
1. Virgo
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Monday’s New Moon falls in your first house, which puts the focus on you and what you hope to accomplish. Do you even know how you feel today, Virgo? The day may be somewhat discouraging, especially in work matters. You may feel confused about something, or someone else may have something unflattering to say about your efforts.
On Tuesday, the morning hours look difficult, and you may have difficulty getting started either because you feel tired or you simply don’t want to get started this morning, but duty calls. You may still be focused on yesterday's discouraging event. By afternoon, however, things may pick back up.
Wednesday morning hours also look complex, and you may feel confused, out of your depth, or just worried about something; it is probably a relationship that you find confusing or discouraging.
By afternoon, you look positively steamed and may find it hard to focus. The anger could be toward yourself or someone younger. This situation will likely involve your job or work.
September 6th your mind will be in overdrive, especially concerning those things that are hidden deep in your subconscious. If you are with others they could see a visible change in your mood or you may start to feel nervous, or unfocused. You may feel very intense and overwhelmed concerning money, or there could be an issue that comes to light involving sex. This heaviness could extend into the early morning hours.
Saturday afternoon looks fine, but by evening, you look drained or focused on a matter involving home or work that occurred earlier this week. If you allow your thoughts and feelings to get out of control, these feelings could go well into the Sunday morning hours. Better luck next week, Gemini!
2. Sagittarius
Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva
The New Moon in Virgo falls in your 10th house of priorities and work; it looks like this is your focus on Monday. Since this Moon is in Virgo, it clashes with your Sun sign, Sagittarius, so it may not be the best. It looks like an issue concerning a partner and/or situation related to the home that looks discouraging. Is this person up to old habits again? You don’t look impressed with their actions.
September 3rd looks like a rough start to the morning concerning work or home matters. You aren’t in the mood to deal with another issue, but you may have no choice. This may not be a day you are especially looking forward to due to responsibilities or you aren’t in the mood. Things may, however, ease up as we approach the afternoon, so onward and upward.
September 4th could be a repeat of the previous day, only this time you look worried and confused. There will be an issue at work this morning, but it may not be as bad as you think it will be. In the afternoon, there will be an issue with a partner again. Don’t let things get out of control and say something you might regret.
By September 5th, the problem seems to have mainly resolved itself, but by the 6th, you look like something has dredged up an old issue or an old wound related to friends or even a love affair. You could dwell on it, but the better choice is just to let it go, as the past is over, and you have your future to deal with now.
Expect an unexpected twist today. This could come in the form of unexpected news from someone who is at a distance, or it could concern work or even health. Don’t let this knock you off your center, but it could be quite shocking. By evening, you are focused on a friend once again, and this issue just won’t seem to go away.
If you are still up in the early morning hours of September 7th, this issue will still be on your mind, and if you aren't careful, it could lead to a great deal of upset or anger.
By the evening of the 7th, you look drained, and it appears this has something to do with home or family. So you would do well to get some rest and sleep in on Sunday. Things will look much better in the morning if you do.
3. Pisces
Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva
Monday’s New moon falls in your 7th house of partners, so the focus will be on this area over the next few days, if not longer. It appears you have a convoluted issue today, Pisces, and it deals with the home or whatever you consider your foundation to be. It is complex, and things will not be easily solved, but it may not be as bad as you think it will.
September 3rd also brings an issue with a partner in the morning hours. This could be a personal, romantic relationship or dealing with someone in your life daily, like a work associate or close friend.
September 4th brings worry and confusion; this issue relates to a partner. You may question your choice at some point today, but this doesn’t mean there will be an absolute ending. You have had relationship issues for a while now, Pisces. By midday, it appears the issue worsens, and you may be either mad or upset. It will be one of those days, so deal with problems as they crop up and forget the rest because things will lighten up considerably tomorrow, September 5th.
Friday will bring unexpected news that may be somewhat shocking. It could concern work or health and may come from an immediate family member or even a co-worker. As we enter the evening, you will be deep in thought, almost to the point of obsession. This could involve a secret you have learned or even something about money. If you are up, this worry could last into the early morning hours of the next day.
Things should calm down some by the 7th, but by evening, it looks like you are worried about a partner again. It could just be that you are sick and tired of all the issues. This isn’t the first time you have considered a change.
While things had calmed down somewhat by the 7th, you may be entering into a phase with your partner that began in late July and got sidetracked. The next month should bring more communication and allow you to decide: Should I stay or should I go?
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.