5 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On August 27, 2024

Deep insights await these zodiac signs.

 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On August 27, 2024 visualspace from Getty Images Signature, DesignNFMR, Canva Creative Studio, benzoix from Getty Images | Canva Pro

Big, small, or little, the energy on Tuesday, August 27, 2024, is a mix of whimsical and fierce. Doubt it at your own risk! There shall not be any prisoners taken. Of course, five zodiac signs will have the best horoscopes under this influence, but the rest are encouraged to lean into their inner might too.

First of all, we need to address something important about Mercury. It will come out of retrograde and go Direct on August 28. So if you feel the energies being a bit haywire, it's mainly because of this, but not entirely. We also have outer-planetary retrogrades to deal with. So, be mindful as you go about the day. That will enable you to act when necessary, pause when necessary, and laugh when the situation must be lightened significantly.


Sun in Virgo adds another layer to this message by reminding us that we can only watch out for ourselves. Trying to cover the entire world with leather may not work. Yet, this doesn't mean you shouldn't be compassionate if you see someone wincing around on bleeding feet just because everyone keeps telling everyone to mind their business. Who benefits from such cruel disregard?

Finally, with the Moon set to transition from Gemini to Cancer over the day, you may find yourself fluctuating in your emotional baseline. Give yourself room for that, but know that you can ground yourself through focused breathing if everything feels all over the place. Let's focus on Aries, Capricorn, Libra, Leo, and Cancer.


Five zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on August 27, 2024.

1. Aries

aries daily best horoscope zodiac signs august 27, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

Best zodiac sign for Aries to spend time with: other Aries

Best time of the day: 11 am - 12 pm

Aries, the time has come for you to make up your mind. As Tuesday is ruled by Mars (your planetary ruler), now's the best time to decide which direction to take and what doesn't sit right in your gut. The cosmic forces are here to support you either way, but you will benefit more from grounding yourself first and then mindfully engaging with the decision.


Also, if you haven't tried a new food item recently, now's the perfect time to add something fresh to your life through this avenue. Look up the hottest spot on Instagram right now (in your city) and go visit with your friends or just by yourself. Sweet or savory, tasty treats await!

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2. Capricorn

capricorn daily best horoscope zodiac signs august 27, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro


Best zodiac sign for Capricorn to spend time with:  Leo

Best time of the day: 2-4 pm

Capricorn, don't let anyone tell you that you are not good enough, beautiful enough, tall enough, short enough, confident enough, and all the other “enoughs” to drown the world. Your message for Tuesday is to be yourself unapologetically and recognize that people projecting their own biases on you is a "them problem". You are exactly as you need to be and will continue to grow as you choose.

If you feel called to, visit a cultural center in the evening after the work day is over (whether by yourself or with friends). Then soak yourself in explorations, whether that's of the gastronomic kind, a museum of fine arts, a lecture on a fascinating topic, or something entirely different.


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3. Libra

libra daily best horoscope zodiac signs august 27, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

Best zodiac sign for Libra to spend time with: Pisces

Best time of the day: 7 pm

Libra, you are the best friend anyone could ever hope for, but this energy is not free for all. Remember that no one guilts you into allowing them past your boundaries on Tuesday. If you stand strong, you won't have to worry about such obstacles for too long. The cosmic forces are firmly supportive of you right now!


Also, now's a good time to improve your communication style or add new techniques to your repertoire. After all, unless you are a speech therapist or voice coach, you probably struggle with communication fallacies now and then. So choose your adventure and go for it!

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4. Leo

leo daily best horoscope zodiac signs august 27, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro


Best zodiac sign for Leo to spend time with: Pisces

Best time of the day: 9 pm

Leo, you are a beautiful soul underneath all the dreams, aspirations, self-doubts, confidence, growth areas, and other problems. That's your message for Tuesday. Don't beat yourself up for not being perfect or not looking, talking, acting, or walking like your role models. Ground yourself within and let go of the insecurities. They will come back soon enough, but you can always release them again... and again until one day they disappear altogether.

Make time for lighthearted experiences on this day, too. Sing, dance, speak, and just be. Whatever brings joy to your soul and allows you to unwind and be at peace is called for here.


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5. Cancer

cancer daily best horoscope zodiac signs august 27, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

Best zodiac sign for Cancer to spend time with:  other Cancers


Best time of the day: 11 pm

Cancer, the time has come to decide whether to take one path. Some of you cannot stay at this crossroads for too long. You may not like where the ball lands if you don't decide now. That's your message and hidden blessing for Tuesday.

You are also encouraged to sing, sing, and sing some more. Whenever you permit yourself to do so, you will discover this activity's healing impact on your soul and psyche. If you are a musician, you may even inspire yourself to write your song to create beats.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
