3 Zodiac Signs See Their Dreams Manifest On September 28, 2024

We have a dream and we wish to make it real.

woman in universe seeing dreams manifest september 28 Photo: Unsplash | Design: YourTango

Not only does September 28 play a huge role in our dreams, but it will be on this day that three zodiac signs get to work with the energy of Moon square Uranus to make those dreams manifest as reality. 

This transit is unique in so much as its energy has a purpose: we have a dream and we wish to make it real. Moon square Uranus works with the ups and downs of helping us to make this happen. The universe is aware of the significance of the right timing — that is why dreams manifest on this particular day and not tomorrow. 


This is the day when all the transits and time slots are lined up just right. So, it's not just that we see our dreams manifest on September 28, it's that this is the best day we have to make such a thing come true.

Three zodiac signs see their dreams manifest on September 28, 2024:

1. Aries

aries zodiac signs see their dreams manifest september 28, 2024 Twemoji | Canva


It's time to get it right, Aries, and this is the perfect day for you to put your ideas together and watch them flourish. You feel the pressure of wanting to close things down by the end of the month, meaning that you don't want to walk into October holding on to old baggage, and during Moon square Uranus, you'll see this come to pass.

Moon square Uranus is no ordinary helpful transit. It teaches while it's helping, and the lessons you'll pick up on during September 28 are the kind that let you know that it's all in the mind. This means that if you think positively, you create positive results. It's only natural.

What you get this Saturday is the feeling that your dreams are not only possible but here and now, fully manifested. You might have been so busy wondering when that you didn't notice it's here and now, right before you, but as soon as you do notice...happy days are here.

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2. Gemini

gemini zodiac signs see their dreams manifest september 28, 2024 Twemoji | Canva

Not only do you feel excellent on September 28, but you feel more confident than you have in weeks, and so much of this has to do with how the transit of Moon square Uranus affects you, personality-wise. This transit allows you to be yourself and this day requires this kind of blunt honesty if it's to work in your favor.

If you are to make a dream come true for yourself, you can't be passive about it. You have to stand up for yourself and fight for what you believe. You can do so much if you stand your ground, Gemini.


Your dreams manifest on September 28 as a result of you standing up for yourself, without even the slightest hesitation. Moon square Uranus is here to show you that it's OK to speak out, to be your unique and individual self, and to believe so much in your dream that it takes nothing for it to manifest.

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3. Aquarius

aquarius zodiac signs see their dreams manifest september 28, 2024 Twemoji | Canva


You've had a dream in your head for so long that you've gotten used to the idea of it staying in your head, never doing much more than being entertaining. Alas, Moon square Uranus works with you on this day to show you that if only you believe in this dream's reality, you could make it so.

So, what this day offers you is a change of perspective. You've enjoyed having the dream and now, on September 28, you may be allowed to make it real. The idea of manifesting this dream never occurred to you, because, as we said, you got used to it being simply fantasy. And yet, here we are, and all the transits and events seem to be aligned with your desire today. 

That desire will be tapped to manifest your dream as reality. Get ready, Aquarius, because once it goes out of your head it becomes manifest reality, and this is where you ask yourself if this is really what you want.


RELATED: The Zodiac Sign Whose Manifestations Come True By The End Of September 2024, According To A Tarot Reader


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
