3 Zodiac Signs Enter A Season Of Wealth On September 28, 2024

Gratitude is what opens the doors to wealth.

woman and pile of wealth september 28, 2024 Photos: Billion Photos, Centre for Ageing Better | Design: YourTango

September 28, 2024 marks the first of many days that brings three zodiac signs into the light of financial and personal wealth. When the Moon aligns with Jupiter, for three zodiac signs, it all boils down to the more, the merrier. 

For those of us who can make the most out of what we have now, we shall see the 'more' take place over the next few days. So, in a way, this day comes with a test: if we can show the universe that we are content, as is, then we will receive more of what it is that we need and want. Gratitude opens the doors to wealth, and September 28 is when it all begins.


Jupiter makes sure to treat us right, as one of its purposes is to expand upon what is already there. So, if we are happy with what we have, then we will be happier with what we receive, and an open door to abundant wealth and happiness seems to be our fate at this time.

Three zodiac signs enter a season of wealth on September 28, 2024

1. Taurus

taurus zodiac signs enter season abundance september 28, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva


It's nice to think that you're going to wrap up this month on a high note, and the way things look financially, it does seem to be on the up and up for you, Taurus. You've got this brilliant Jupiter-Moon alignment and everything about it says you're in luck and ready for more.

It's all about your attitude on September 28, as you may find yourself on the receiving end of some stellar opportunities. Because your mood is good and you're feeling receptive, you may be able to tell exactly what your next move should be in terms of those grand opportunities.

You could call this a season of wealth, and while it's only at its beginning phase, there's a promise of more to come. You can feel it and you can trust in the feeling, Taurus. What's going on at this time only seems like a natural progression, as you've already put in so much good faith toward creating wealth and abundance.

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2. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac signs enter season abundance september 28, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

It's nice to think that on September 28, you walk into what will feel like a season of wealth, and oh how happy this will make you, Sagittarius. It's not that you feel as though you are suffering from any lack of anything, really, but it's always nice to think that you might become more financially secure.

Today, things just seem to work when it comes to being understood, and this kind of understanding is exactly what allows you to make tremendous strides regarding your bank account. September 28 puts you in the right place at the right time to say "yes" to abundant earnings.


You're on the right track now, Sagittarius, and this makes you feel very optimistic about October. You see a future and it looks splendid and shiny. Everything manifests as wealth and abundance for you during the Jupiter-Moon alignment. It's working, yes it is.

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3. Pisces

pisces zodiac signs enter season abundance september 28, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva


What appears to be a season of wealth also comes with a few uplifting side effects. On September 28, you, Pisces, will receive a form of monetary relief. This transaction will not only relieve your mind, it will put you in a fantastic mood.

During the Jupiter-Moon alignment, you can align yourself with a better life. You've made the right moves and now you're starting to see how taking your time to get here really was a smart move. Now, you're there, and the gates of wealth are, too.

Knowing that you are secure and that it may just last like this for a long time lets you feel at ease about life in general. This adds to your life force, and in turn, heals your heart and your health. Security means the world to you, and knowing you now have it gives you peace of mind. Priceless.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
