3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Self-Doubt & Find Peace Of Mind On September 27, 2024

This is what will get us over that final hump.

woman with puppy overcoming self-doubt on september 27, 2024 Photo: Vitaly Gariev | Design: YourTango

On Friday, September 27, our mission is to overcome self-doubt and find peace of mind, and three zodiac signs succeed. We have the backup of a Sun-Moon transit that is both positive and hopeful, which will get us over that final hump.

We know that we feel good about life and that there's so much we want to do and accomplish, but we also know that at times we fall back simply because we are afraid that we're not good enough. When the Sun aligns with the Moon, at least three zodiac signs will recognize that enough is enough when it comes to self-doubt. Seriously.


We feel that we are entitled to this peace of mind and it's up to us to get to that place where happiness rules and doubts fall into that place we need not pay attention to anymore. 

Three zodiac signs will find a way to the light on September 27, and the peace of mind we seek will become visible.

1. Cancer

cancer zodiac signs overcome self-doubt find happiness september 27, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


We've got a beautiful alignment between the Moon and the Sun on September 27, and you are seriously going to benefit from what's going on, Cancer. Finally, you see a light at the end of the tunnel. You've tried to hang on and keep at it, but you feel as though you keep stumbling over your self-doubt — and you're quite tired of it. 

You are no longer enamored by the idea of being the emo sad sack, as this image is only good as an image and doesn't translate in the real world as anything other than depressing. You want your joy back and you know it all revolves around your body image.

Well, enough is enough, Cancer. You've done your time in the prison of self-hate and you are sick of it, and with this Sun-Moon transit above you, you'll seek out plenty of reasons to overcome this nagging self-doubt of yours, so that you may experience true happiness, once again.

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2. Leo

leo zodiac signs overcome self-doubt find happiness september 27, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

You told yourself the idea of true happiness is your right to have, at any time, as you've always been a super happy person. But as the years have gone by, you've noticed that you've allowed in a little too much self-doubt, and it's starting to get on your nerves. During the Sun-Moon transit of Friday, September 27, you'll find that that old 'good feeling' is still there — it just needs a little dusting off. 

You aren't happy that you've let yourself slip into despair, and you are less happy with the idea that you're always doubting yourself. This doubt has to end — and it can, and it will, Leo. You are very much in touch with your 'old self' on this day, and this is inspires you to get back on track, treat yourself well, and do the right thing by yourself...and none of this has anything to do with self-doubt. True happiness awaits.


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3. Scorpio

scorpio zodiac signs overcome self-doubt find happiness september 27, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

Positive vibes flood your world, Scorpio, as you feel very good on this day, and this is new news. You haven't been as 'shiny' as you've been in the past because you've started to doubt yourself too much. You've fallen into that pit where you've started to compare yourself to others, and that's always a mistake.


Thanks to the Sun-Moon alignment on September 27, you come to realize that you are living your own unique life and if someone does something or accomplishes something that you've wanted to do, you have to pull away from the idea that they are better than you.

You know that you are doing as well as you possibly can, but more: this is your life and how you live it is up to you. By doubting yourself, you eat up precious time. You aren't here to waste it all, which is why you snap out of it on this day, on your way to finding true happiness.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.