Joy Returns For 3 Zodiac Signs After Moon Conjunct Saturn On September 17, 2024

The universe does not want us to be unhappy.

Joy Returns For 3 Zodiac Signs After Moon Conjunct Saturn On September 17, 2024 elchinarts, vtrdid studio, andrew-poplavsky | Canva Pro

After a long spell of depression and anxiety, three signs will get to see the light at the end of the tunnel on Tuesday, September 17. As astrology would have it, we're looking at Moon conjunct Saturn and how this symbolizes the end of suffering. We've paid our dues and are now in for a break.

Hey, we all go through our ups and downs, and it's hard sometimes to think we'll ever feel joyful again, especially when we're gripped with self-doubt. Still, the universe does not want us to be unhappy, and even though it boils down to our efforts when it comes to cheering ourselves up, transits like the Moon conjunct Saturn support us.


We can look forward to the return of joy to the hearts and minds of three particular zodiac signs. Saturn, in this case, shows us that everything has an ending and renews as something else once a thing is over. We will see the recycling of our spirit, and once again, on this day, we will let joy return to our lives.

Joy returns for three zodiac signs on September 17, 2024.

1. Cancer

cancer joy returns zodiac signs moon conjuncts saturn september 17, 2024 Twemoji | Canva


You'll be thanking your lucky stars when this day is over, Cancer, as something clicks during the day, and it has you knowing that you are not returning to your previous state of depression. You feel joyful. Joy starts due to the Moon conjunct Saturn; you can make this joy last and last.

It's as if you've finally reached the end of a challenging but doable period. You felt tired; you weren't sure you could continue the way you'd been going, and because you maintained this for so long, you ended up feeling weary and blue from it all. You knew there had to be an end in sight, but you couldn't see it.

And then Moon conjunct Saturn arrives, and suddenly, Saturn's energy shows you that 'time's up.' That's right, Cancer; it's time for the hardships to melt away. You've done your part and deserve to be free from all that. Joy returns, and you know exactly what to do with it. Good for you!

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2. Capricorn

capricorn joy returns zodiac signs moon conjuncts saturn september 17, 2024 Twemoji | Canva

You work well with transits like the Moon conjunct Saturn, as you are used to Saturn's pull on you. You are acquainted with deadlines and upkeep; you are disciplined and capable, almost to a fault. You are also burnt out; you do a lot, Capricorn, and it's starting to get to you.

You haven't seen any joy in a long time, even though you've kept up a brave face. You can and will endure whatever is ahead of you, but what you aren't expecting — which also makes it so much fun — is this rush of joy and promise taking place.


Joy returns and revives you. Moon conjunct Saturn jolts you and puts things into perspective; you'll see that you DO have room for joy in your life and that it doesn't have to be all work and no play all the time. Live a little, Capricorn!

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3. Aquarius

aquarius joy returns zodiac signs moon conjuncts saturn september 17, 2024 Twemoji | Canva


Oh, what a good day it is for you, Aquarius. While you're always open to a good time, you'll readily admit that the good times are few and far between these days. However, things change a bit, so much of that has to do with the transit of Moon conjunct Saturn and its influence on your zodiac sign.

Saturn's energy acts like an alarm in your world; it shows you that you need to snap out of it now. Like the rest of the world, you want to be happy, and of course, you deserve to be, but you often stand in the way of your happiness by bringing self-doubt.

You realize that you're just as 'in the running' for joy as anyone else, and things will change when you get it. And this change may be monumental, Aquarius; joy is back in your life, and you won't let it go once you get a taste.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
