The Universe Has A Specific Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On September 17, 2024

Stay open and allow for goodness to happen.

the universe has a specific message for four zodiac signs on september 17, 2024 CoffeeAndMilk from Getty Images Signature, Blixa 6 Studios, Slidesgenius, jes2ufoto | Canva Pro

September 17 brings us a Full Moon in Pisces, so if you wish upon a star or a Full Moon, you can be sure that the universe will pick up on your requests

When we turn to astrology for answers, we find that days like this one are days that we pick up on what the universe is trying to tell us, too. We communicate with the source power during the Full Moon in Pisces.

Four zodiac signs will leave this day feeling a little more informed than before, and the information we receive will truly benefit our lives in the coming days. Not everyone gets the same message; we read the signs in our way as individuals. Stay open and allow goodness to happen, as it is trying to reach us.


The universe has a specific message for four zodiac signs on September 17, 2024.

1. Taurus

taurus universe specific message zodiac signs september 17, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

During any Full Moon, we find that this is the time of culmination; that means that whatever we've asked for or have been searching for shows up during this lunation. The Full Moon in Pisces has the added touch of bringing peace to a conclusion, whatever that might be.


In your case, Taurus, the universe seems to be trying to tell you something only you could understand, as you may find that some people in your life don't necessarily understand what's going on. But the signs and signals that you pick up are the ones that make sense to you.

This particular Full Moon brings you what you want and helps you understand why you're getting it now and how you can work with it in the future. Only you know what this information is, but you are a bright and intelligent person, and you'll know what to do with this universal message as soon as you get it.

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2. Leo

leo universe specific message zodiac signs september 17, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


You have thought at time that maybe you're psychic, as you do seem to have a sixth sense; you're able to pick up on things that other people cannot, and during the Full Moon in Pisces, this trait seems to be strengthened. September 17 shows you that you are, in your way, magical.

The universe wishes you to know that you should trust your magical senses and go with them. That's not to say you shouldn't 'look both ways before crossing,' but it is to say that if your heart is telling you to go ... then 'go.'

Trusting in one's gut instincts is very much a part of the power that comes along with the Full Moon in Pisces, and for you, Leo, this is a day that not only puts you in touch with your power but lets you see that you're not off base; there's something here that is worth investigating.

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3. Libra

libra universe specific message zodiac signs september 17, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

The idea that the universe has a specific and personal message for you that seems very 'right' to you, as you've been open to signs and looking for cosmic support. Lucky you to have the Full Moon in Pisces at your disposal now, as this transit will deliver the message you need to hear.

It's time for you to take healing seriously. You've been through a lot and bought into this idea that you're supposed to drag through it all as if that's what you deserve. Untrue, Libra. You might have made a mistake, but it's not something you need to uphold forever.


The message you receive on this day is the one that lets you know with total clarity that it's time to make the turnaround for a brighter day. It's as if the Full Moon in Pisces breaks the door down and shows you the way out. No more's time to change the scenery, Libra.

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4. Aquarius

aquarius universe specific message zodiac signs september 17, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


You've always believed in miracles, and you have no shame about standing alone in your beliefs; you are fine 'as is', and no one is ever going to take that away from you. You learn that you are perfect the way you are and that the universe applauds you for your attitude.

Being someone who believes in magical thinking, it's no shock that you'd take to the Full Moon in Pisces for support, as this day feels right when it comes to things like the fulfillment of prayers and guidance. The universe has your back, Aquarius.

Not everyone understands you, as you are unique. That doesn't always make things easy for you, but still, you are your own person. You'll see how much fun it is to trust in yourself and do things your way. The universe wants you to know that it supports this kind of individualism.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
