3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Self-Doubt & Find True Happiness On September 16, 2024

True happiness is found when we love and respect ourselves.

Zodiac Signs Overcome Self-Doubt & Find True Happiness On September 16, 2024 aleksandra-konoplia. margokukhar, pixelshot | Canva Pro

On September 16, three zodiac signs overcome self-doubt and find true happiness as the day's astrology reveals what we've been doing wrong and what we can do to make it all right. This day allows for a very peaceful and loving attitude, and so much of that attitude is about how we perceive our own selves. Astrologically, we're looking at a Pisces Moon, which always deals with sensitivity and the pursuit of happiness.


We will come to understand that this whole self-doubt thing is for the birds. After all, there's just so much lack of belief in oneself that we can deal with, and for three zodiac signs, that point may be driven home on this day. All of our self-doubt has led us to a place of displeasure. We are unhappy, and we want to do something about it.

Three zodiac signs will catch on quickly during the Pisces Moon, as this transit is so soft and gentle on the psyche that we won't be shocked by whatever we discover, nor will we cower in fear and return to our old ways. This day introduces us to the true happiness that is found when we love and respect ourselves. Yes, it's possible.


Three zodiac signs overcome self-doubt and find true happiness On September 16, 2024.

1. Taurus

taurus zodiac signs overcome self-doubt find true happiness september 16, 2024 Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro

You are very fortunate to be working with the Pisces Moon because, Taurus, things are about to take a turn for the better for you. What will be remarkable about this particular day is that all your body and mind work will start paying off.

You are dedicated to health and well-being, but sometimes you get frustrated about why things aren't working fast enough. You know that you have to give it time, and because of that, your self-doubt kicks in and makes you think that maybe you should give up. Wrong! And you know it, too.


That's what discipline is all about: sticking with the plan and you've got a plan, which takes time and dedication. If you allow self-doubt even to have a moment of spotlight, you could ruin it all, and because of the Pisces Moon, you will finally start to see that patience really pays off. You are now on your way to pure positivity.

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2. Virgo

virgo zodiac signs overcome self-doubt find true happiness september 16, 2024 Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro


If there were an award given to those who are the living embodiment of self-doubt, then you'd certainly be a nominee, and while you're not proud of that fact, you know it's true. Self-doubt has played such a starring role in your life's story that you stand out of its way and let it happen.

That's not to say you want it that way or that you wouldn't open your heart to some self-love if such a thing were possible. Welcome to the Pisces Moon, which comes to us smack in the middle of Virgo season. It may just be your turn to rise up, Virgo.

During the Pisces Moon, you may notice that your usual self-doubt has no place in your life anymore, as most people believe in you and have no problem with you. So, why then do you have a problem with you? All you want is to be happy, and you'll see that on this day, you get a chance to let that doubtful nature of yours go. Bye bye.

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3. Libra

libra zodiac signs overcome self-doubt find true happiness september 16, 2024 Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro

While most people see you as charming and clever, you tend to laugh it off. You are grateful for being who you are, but you are also not sure you're as great as everyone thinks. This is your self-doubt speaking. It's not you, but you do identify with it as yourself at times.

During the Pisces Moon, it's much nicer to be kind to yourself than to stand in constant harsh criticism. You need not be so hard on yourself, Libra. While it's true that you are talented and kind, you are often your worst critic and cannot see how wonderful you really are.


This Pisces Moon is the symbol of self-acceptance for you, and you need to understand that you can find true happiness if only you release the need to condemn yourself constantly. It's time to let go of all that baggage, Libra, as none of it is real anymore. You are truly beautiful and it's time you face the mirror and see that beauty in your unique eyes. You're a star.

RELATED: What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know The Week Of September 16 - 22, 2024, Per A Tarot Card Reader 


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
