Struggle Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On September 15, 2024

We don't have to lug around our issues for the rest of eternity.

Struggle Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On September 15, 2024 aleksandra-konoplia, andresr, sketchify | Canva Pro

September 15 lets us know that the struggle is over. That could mean anything, really, but as our astrological charts show us, Moon trine Jupiter is here and that usually means we somehow rise above our problems. What does struggle mean for each individual?

It could mean acceptance, or rather, the lack of it. Because we're looking at Moon trine Jupiter, a very positively charged transit, we're more than likely talking about how we accept something and, therefore, make it something we can deal with. If all we do is fight against it, we remain in a struggle.


Moon trine Jupiter shows us that this issue is not something we have to carry around for the rest of our lives. Because of Jupiter's presence in the mix, we're looking at how optimism, in this case, really removes all of the doubt; if we just believe that the struggle is over, perhaps that's the first step in making it official. These three signs find that key on this day.

The struggle ends for three zodiac signs on September 15, 2024.

1. Gemini

gemini struggle ends zodiac signs september 15, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva


You have always wanted your life to match your childhood vision. You thought certain things would naturally turn out the way you envisioned them, and when they didn't, you allowed yourself to plunge into despair. And the state of despair annoyed you, as you didn't feel it was something you wanted to maintain.

So, you've tried for an entire lifetime to make things run smoothly, even if you don't get what you want. You're able to do this rather well, but you can't let go of that strange nagging feeling of disappointment. Are you really happy or are you just telling yourself that you are?

Well, you may have been kidding yourself for a while there — a long while, at that — but on September 15, something is going to snap. The difference between kidding yourself and living happily is now apparent, and you want the real deal. During Moon trine Jupiter, you get a taste of the power within you and you can end this struggle, once and for all.

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2. Scorpio

scorpio struggle ends zodiac signs september 15, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

You feel as though you have not only taken on a massive struggle but that you've added someone else's struggle as well. You are fighting for more than just your interests, as you carry the weight of another on your shoulders as well. This is getting tired, and you're starting to wonder if your heart is even into it anymore.

During the Moon trine Jupiter transit on September 15, you'll get a glimmer of what it would be like if you just ended it. The struggle does not have to continue like this, with no sign of ending, unless of course, you apply the power of self-love to the situation, and with that in place, you won't be able to do anything but walk away.


This is the time for walking away, Libra. This is the time for you to say "no" to the things that usurp life; you are not an endless vat of energy meant for struggle alone. You've got a life to live and as of September 15, 2024, you're going to take advantage of this feeling and live it.

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3. Capricorn

capricorn struggle ends zodiac signs september 15, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva


What you've got coming at you on this day, September 15 is a case of serious acceptance. You may not be thrilled with that idea, but trust in the universe on this one, Capricorn; you'll be fine. You've got a situation that can't be fixed. OK, but does that mean you have to feel bad over it, night and day? No.

You'll feel fairly optimistic about things when the Moon trine Jupiter transits and influences your life on this day. What's happening here is that you will come to realize that if you're not going to radically change things — which you are not — then you're going to have to live with them. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

But joining 'em isn't half as bad as you think, because you've been in warrior mode for so long that you don't know what it's like to not struggle. It's all OK now, Capricorn, because you have just opened the doors to healing your heart and setting aside this energy-sapping struggle. It's done.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
