Relationships Improve For 5 Zodiac Signs From Now To September 8, 2024
The biggest changes often happen within the smallest of moments.

The week of September 2 begins with the New Moon in Virgo, a time for new beginnings, which is magnified as it will tie into the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces mid-month. While you’re still a few months away from the official changing of the eclipse nodes, this is a sneak preview of what the next few years will hold, and the Virgo New Moon plays an important role.
Take time to observe what happens and those small choices you can make, recognizing that what begins now will end up affecting your life in unimaginable ways. The energy draws you more towards emotional fulfillment as you deeply honor your dreams, which will be strengthened as Mars returns to Cancer on Wednesday, September 4.
Mars in Cancer
Mars in Cancer can present some challenges in learning to work with softer, more emotional energy, but it also changes your priorities toward what you value and want in a long-term relationship.
Pallas in Sagittarius
But what makes this week’s energy so different is asteroid Pallas's shift into Sagittarius, which promotes out-of-the-box thinking and unique ways of problem-solving. So, it’s not just about improving your relationship but finding unique ways to do so. Make tiny decisions that redirect you to the divine plan that has always existed for your life and your heart.
Relationships improve for five zodiac signs starting September 2-8, 2024
1. Pisces
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As you begin to prepare for a new cycle in your romantic life, paying attention to the karmic lessons associated with the sign of Virgo is important. This will benefit you as the nodes begin their journey to Pisces and Virgo, but it will also help you reflect more deeply on how to use this week's Virgo New Moon to your advantage.
The karmic lessons of Virgo involve perfectionism, overanalysis, co-dependency, or even looking to outside factors to determine security and happiness. In relationships, this can manifest as prioritizing your partner's needs or well-being above your own and developing an anxious attachment as you strive to make your relationship perfect or “fix” your romantic partner.
As this New Moon in Virgo rises, focus on healing these karmic lessons in which you no longer sacrifice your needs, become lax on your boundaries, or use perfection as an excuse for emotional unavailability.
You can plant the seeds now that not only will you reap with the Virgo Full Moon on March 14, 2025, but also be proactive in how you set yourself up for the next phase of your life that will be governed by the eclipse cycle of Pisces and Virgo. Look for where your romantic ideals prevent you from having connections or how your wounds are responsible for attracting the same kind of partners.
This is not the time to have faith that it will all work out, but instead, look for the small ways that you can positively shift matters. Choose to react differently, speak up where you usually remain silent, and let yourself shake up your routine to invite in the fresh air of a new love. When you heal, you also change the type of partner you attract or even how a specific relationship progresses, so to have that new romantic beginning means you must begin with yourself.
2. Capricorn
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It may be time to become a warrior for love, dear Capricorn. This does not mean letting yourself become hurt or exhausted in pursuing a relationship, but instead, realizing how much your relationship brings to your life. But because of that, it also highlights the need for how much you have to give to your relationship. Mars will return to Cancer on Wednesday, September 4, and help you take up arms to protect your relationship and ensure you show up as your best self for your partner.
Mars in Cancer combines the energy of emotional fulfillment with dedication, which means that investing in your relationship will become your primary focus during this time. Have you let other matters, family concerns, or career-related take time from your relationship? Consider new ways to honor the love in your life — and what to do to improve it.
Mars in Cancer will create greater motivation for emotional fulfillment and romantic connection. You may specifically have to reflect on your boundaries involving certain family members and even the requirements of work. Just because your partner says they understand and are more than accommodating doesn’t mean what’s been happening isn’t affecting the relationship. This is where becoming a warrior for love becomes essential, as you will have to begin to prioritize this relationship and whatever it takes to protect that space from outside influences.
By seeing your partner's positive effect on your life, you will feel empowered to treat them more accordingly. Just because you could have a relationship with others doesn’t mean that it would be anything like you have currently created. Love is not transferrable, and so often, it just comes down to how much you are willing to do to let your partner know how special they are to you.
3. Gemini
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While you can often always see multiple outcomes or possibilities, Gemini, it doesn’t mean you always allow yourself to entertain them. You have been investing energy into building a stronger and more committed relationship, embracing changes to your family and even home life. This isn’t about romance, commitment, or even creating a life together but honoring what works for you.
It’s time to let the rule book of love go and, instead, start journaling about what type of relationship or commitment would work best for you. While you already have an innovative idea of what you need, journaling will allow you to become more confident and express your ideas to your partner. This means that those little ideas of an unconventional or untraditional relationship will have a chance to come to fruition so long as you’re willing to think outside the box and embrace your unique nature.
On Sunday, September 8, asteroid Pallas will shift into Sagittarius, allowing you to determine what best suits your romantic needs and no longer care about what others think or even if they approve. Pallas governs the realm of wisdom, and in Sagittarius, it affects your romantic relationship and your innate desire for what will fulfill your unique needs. Pallas in Sagittarius will empower you to honor what kind of relationship works best for you or even how to improve an untraditional relationship.
Try to approach romantic matters uniquely, so whether it’s an issue of long-distance love or even the combining of existing families, you can find a solution that allows you to feel fulfilled and works for each of you. You may also feel called to explore an alternative living arrangement where you share space part-time. Just remember that you get to decide what works for you and any family you have or hope to create, so the more you can listen to yourself, the more love you will create.
4. Taurus
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Let yourself focus more on creating the peaceful and joyful romantic life you desire, Taurus. While this could improve a marriage or significant connection, it’s also about feeling more at ease with yourself and your romantic life. The New Moon in Virgo on Monday, September 2, will occur in your house of marriage and happiness, but with Venus in Libra, it seems that you aren’t just about a new beginning but one that feels healthy for you overall. Instead of looking like you have the ideal relationship or even checking items off a romantic checklist, focus on the simple choices you can make to bring greater peace and joy into your life.
This can look like bringing your partner coffee in bed or calling them back even after you’ve had an exhausting day, but it also means you let your partner step up for you. Be open to them taking some of the weight off your shoulders and letting yourself be cared for by them. This opportunity for a new beginning is all about a healthier relationship and commitment in which you can meet more of your needs.
The New Moon in Virgo will be a valuable time to reflect on your existing relationship or what you are looking for in a relationship. If you’re single, this may look like shifting the priority from a potential lover’s career or financial status to how you feel when you’re with them and in their arms. While you want to be with a stable partner, you also should be able to feel peace and joy regardless of what else life brings.
Often, peace is the most valuable gift a partner can bring to your life, as you can manifest so much on your own. Use this energy to reflect more on how your partner or potential love interest makes you feel, along with what you prioritize; realizing the slightest shift can help you create more space for the relationship you genuinely want.
5. Sagittarius
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You have the power to transform your relationship, Sagittarius, but you must also decide what you want from a particular connection in your life. As much as you strive to experience as much as possible, honor what you dream of in life, especially from love. Sometimes, committing to sharing your life with someone is more of an adventure than entertaining every opportunity.
As Mars returns to Cancer on Sunday, September 8, you will have a more profound desire for emotional safety and security, but it could also bring any hidden secrets to light. Use this energy to your advantage by opening up about anything you’ve been hiding from your partner, including any feelings of doubt or concern. Realize that the more honest you can be with your partner, the more it says about your connection because the truth is love in its highest form.
While it would ensure you want to remain in a relationship with your current partner, you must also ensure you’re not saying anything you wouldn’t want them to know about. Focus on creating the emotional security you crave by opening up, talking with your partner, being honest about anything that has happened, and being vulnerable about their importance to your life. A relationship can get through any rough period, but only by acknowledging it and taking responsibility.
You can’t pretend something didn’t happen or even ignore certain feelings you’ve been having. Instead, it’s about being as honest with yourself as you hope your partner is with you. Being able to be honest, no matter how harsh the truth, creates the security and depth that you crave — and also transforms your relationship from a maybe into a definitely.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.