3 Zodiac Signs Are Showered With Positive Vibes On September 14, 2024
The Aquarius Moon that makes everything seem so scintillating and happy.

Get ready to have a good time this Saturday because, on September 14, we are about to be showered with positive vibes. Astrology tells us that it's almost impossible to have a bad day during the Aquarius Moon, and for three zodiac signs — that's our ticket!
So, what about the Aquarius Moon makes everything seem so scintillating and happy? Well, for starters, this transit helps us to avoid taking in too many noisy opinions. Because that's about rejecting the pushy advice of others and simply doing what we want to do, we will find that when we follow our hearts, we end up on the path to joy.
Much of this has to do with self-belief; it's not that we set out to reject the opinions of others; it's that we have finally come to trust our judgment and that by doing so, we can create a much better life experience for ourselves. Nature and the universe smile upon us for doing so, which ends up feeling like a rainshower of good vibes. Nice!
Three zodiac signs are showered with positive vibes on September 14, 2024.
1. Taurus
cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro
The way you get along with others is very obvious today, which is refreshing because it's not always this good. It's Saturday, September 14, 2024, and whatever you get yourself involved with, you've got the Aquarius Moon to help you make it a harmonious experience.
This could mean that spending time with friends might be the best thing you could do today. There's great potential for fun during the Aquarius Moon, and being that you work hard and love your downtime, you'll feel as though the whole weekend is swimming in positive vibes.
OK, you'll take it! You don't see things like opposition on this day, nor do you care what others think, because truly, mostly everyone you know feels like you do, and if that leads to partying and having fun, then the more the merrier. You are social and lovable and the day is yours to cherish.
2. Capricorn
cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro
It doesn't get much better than the Aquarius Moon on September 14, where you are concerned, Capricorn. This is one of those 'let your hair down' days; you just don't feel the need to let in any negative energy. It's your day off and you will enjoy yourself to the fullest.
You are someone who dedicates so much time to work and getting it all right and done, that when you finally get a break...you want that break to last. You also want to enjoy every second of your time off, because you seek balance and during the Aquarius Moon, you can enjoy yourself.
It's as if the entire day is buzzing with positive energy and who are you to turn it down? It's something you want and it's something you invite in, and you can count on the idea that this Saturday brings you so much love and goodness, that it might even go down in your book as memorable.
3. Aquarius
cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro
What gets you humming along on this day is the idea that you feel good. Your health has taken a turn for the better and that's because you finally decided to do something about it. And lo and behold — it works. So, there is something to the idea of watching what you eat.
During the Aquarius Moon on September 14, you'll see that all it took was a little discipline and a little more willpower to avoid filling up on chemically treated foods. You fought it for so long, thinking that you knew the only way to live, but here comes a day that shows you that it's good to stay open when it comes to health advice.
While the Aquarius Moon is usually about not listening to the suggestions of others, it still does support your research, so in this way, you ended up taking the advice of your own heart. You paid attention to your health, and you made the best of it, all on your own. And now, you are starting to see the golden results of your efforts. Brilliant!
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.