4 Zodiac Signs Receive Blessings From The Universe On September 12, 2024

We find relief and the ability to move on when the Moon trines Mercury in Virgo.

Zodiac Signs Blessings From The Universe September 12, 2024 Mario Szafran from QUQA Design, Artulina, South-agency from Getty Images Signature | Canva Pro

Nothing paves the way for the big blessings to reach us like Moon trine Mercury in our horoscope, and on September 12, 2024, we can expect those blessings to be quite fulfilling. Astrologically, we're in good shape. The Moon and Mercury are in a harmonious transit, and a positive, healing energy flow is possible.

This Thursday may seem like a dream come true for four zodiac signs because we understand something about our lives. If we've been perplexed about our standing in a relationship, we will see exactly what's up now. This will bring us relief and the ability to make the next move. Thursday's blessings are all about completing one thing so that we can move on to the next.


Four zodiac signs receive blessings from the universe on September 12, 2024.

1. Taurus

taurus zodiac signs receive blessings universe september 12, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro

What seems to be very obvious to you is how you feel mentally. It's as if something inside you has been freed. You may have been doing some bodywork, and for your efforts, you've released certain toxins that had you feeling down or depressed. Because you've got the transit of Moon trine Mercury speeding things up, you may even feel lightheaded.


Perhaps you've changed your diet or started a new exercise routine. All these activities can boost your energy levels and how you perceive the world around you. During Moon trine Mercury, all the good you do feels as though it's been elevated.

The day's blessing comes in the form of clearing out negative energy. You've investigated what might be wrong and pinpointed it so that you can work on it. Now, you're seeing the results of your hard work. This is a beautiful and refreshing day for you, Taurus.

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2. Leo

leo zodiac signs receive blessings universe september 12, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


What you'll see this day, September 12, are the final stages of something in your life that needs completion. You've worked long and hard on a particular project, which may be yourself. What Moon trine Mercury brings you is the sight of the light at the end of the tunnel.

This day's blessings look like health and corporal wisdom. That means you have finally grasped that there is no real difference between body and mind. It's all part of the whole body system. You feel like you've finally gotten the hint and like it this way.

This gives you more control, but it's not the kind of control that concerns anyone else. This is all on you, Leo, and this brings you joy. You are the one who can make you happy or sad, and with the help of transit Moon trine Mercury, you're able to wrap it all up on Thursday.

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3. Virgo

virgo zodiac signs receive blessings universe september 12, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro

You feel as though you've suffered for a lifetime, and while that may sound self-pitying, the reality is that nobody knows what you've been through or how you've managed to hold up through it all. It hasn't been easy, but that doesn't mean it can't lighten up for you, Virgo. Thursday brings you the blessing of a lighter, healthier attitude.

Because you've got the transit of Moon trine Mercury guiding you into place, you'll feel as though this is something you've needed in your life for the entirety of it. What feels good right now may become a blissful state of existence. On September 12, you take this seriously.


One thing you've started to notice is that health is wealth. While it's the biggest cliche in the book, it is the truest of statements, and you finally get it. By getting it, you notice that it works. Feeling healthy allows your mind to heal, and that's what this day is all about for you, Virgo.

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4. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac signs receive blessings universe september 12, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


Things are changing rapidly for you, Sagittarius, as you've finally come to terms with the idea that not only is this your life, but your life doesn't go on forever. Sure, maybe the universal stardust that you're made of morphs into something even greater than you are right now, but you are living in the now, and that's where the cool stuff takes place.

Because the Moon is trine Mercury in our cosmic sky, you will notice that this day feels blessed. Something is going on, and it may take the form of things starting to make sense. That, in itself, makes sense, and Mercury transits tend to do that.

The day's blessing looks like you are coming to terms with the idea that this is it. What you have now is what you have to work with. So, being smart and honoring your life, you will make this Day One of the new way of thinking, which is to continue maintaining your health and well-being.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
