4 Zodiac Signs Have An Important Message From The Universe Regarding September 11, 2024

Love really does save the day.

zodiac signs receive message from universe September 11 2024 max-kegfire from Getty Images | Canva Pro

For four zodiac signs, September 11 may bring a particular message from the universe. The day's astrology brings us Mercury in alignment with Mars, which is strong enough to get our attention. Through this transit, the universe will speak to us, providing a message of love, peace, will, and health. When Mercury aligns with Mars, it's telling us to fight the 'evil' — and that the best way to do so is by being strong in body and mind.


Four zodiac signs receiving specific messages from the universe on September 11, 2024

1. Taurus

It's been a very intense and exciting year for you so far, Taurus, and being that we're now beginning to wrap it up, you feel very open to the idea that 'everything is going to be OK.' The universe seems to be saying this to you at every juncture. Whatever you're doing... you're on the right track.

On September 11, you'll notice that having a good attitude is basically what gets you through everything. Sure, you have your down days — we all do. But you've got that special kind of magic within you, and when Mercury aligns with Mars, you feel as though the universe is telling you to be at peace.


You are one with all things on this day, Taurus, as you see what is worth fighting for and allowing. Not all things require a fight, and the universe is giving you this specific message on this day: Flow with it like water. This is your path, Taurus.

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2. Virgo

You've come to know that 2024 has been a real kick in the pants, yet all of it somehow makes it a good thing. On September 11, you'll see that you've come a long way, and the universe is about to let you know that it's not over yet. There's still work to do... but you can do it, Virgo. Oh yes, you can.

While Mercury aligns with Mars, you feel very good about handling certain things, especially the more trying situations. You have created your version of success, Virgo, and while others do it differently, you're the only one living your life, and so far, so good.


The universe uses this Mercury/ Mars transit to communicate this good news: you are doing well. All is fine. Nothing that exists at the moment doesn't fit in with the greater scheme of things. This day brings you joy and acceptance; all is well in your world.

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3. Scorpio

If a specific message is meant just for you, Scorpio, then Mercury may deliver that message. And because Mercury aligns with Mars, the message will be strong, clear, and personal: Do your thing your way. Yes, that is all.

You've been contemplating whether or not that one thing you wish to do will be accepted by others, and so far, all you've gotten out of it is frustration and the idea that you're not living for yourself but to fulfill the expectations of others. Not good.


The universe is here to get you off your feet and in the raw knowledge that this is your life, Scorpio, and on September 11, 2024, you are here to do what you need to do, not what others want you to do. So, live your life, be proud, stand tall. This is yours for the taking.

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4. Aquarius

You know that you are quite unique. While you aren't always approved of, and sometimes even sneered at, you'll find that the universe is trying to tell you something on this day: don't worry about what others think. Being unique is beautiful, and you should follow your bliss.

Because Mercury aligns with Mars, there's a message and a method to the madness. Because Mars is involved, you must act now. There's an urgency that comes with this message today, and action plays a big role.


You'll know what this means because often, you live your life in your head and not 'out there' in the big, bad world. It's time to release your fear of action, Aquarius, and it's time to live your life to the fullest, whether people approve of you or not. You are the one doing the experience, not them.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
