Struggle Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On September 9, 2024

The struggles are becoming tiresome and meaningless and we want out.

woman with zodiac signs whose struggle ends september 9, 2024 Photo: see plus | Design: YourTango

Struggle ends for three zodiac signs on September 9 when Mercury in Virgo allows us to channel any critical thoughts through positive channels. Mercury in Virgo makes things happen, especially things that need that extra little nudge — and in some cases, it's what gets the job done when it comes to ending a particular struggle.

We can look forward to using that Mercury in Virgo energy in our favor and ending our recent struggles. For three zodiac signs, it may become obvious as to what we need to do, and so much of that is due to the presence of Virgo in the transit. Virgo desperately needs to make sense of things, and that's exactly what's going to happen on this day.

@strangely.stephenie September 9th Mercury Returns to its exalted sign of Virgo to restore order after Mercury Retrograde #Virgo #virgoseason #virgo♍️ #Astrology #zodiac #dailyzodiac #virgogirl #fyp #witchtokrising ♬ original sound - Strangely.Stephenie

We are going to make sense of what we're going through and this is what will take us to its conclusion. September 9 gives us hope and a way out. This is the day we end our own struggles by figuring out what they are worth in our lives.


Struggle ends for three zodiac signs when Mercury enters Virgo on September 9, 2024

1. Taurus

taurus struggle ends september 9, 2024 Design: YourTango

If you wake up feeling a little more driven than usual, then you can thank Mercury in Virgo for the feeling as September 9 is all about you getting to the bottom of something you've needed to nip in the bud for a long time. You've been struggling with someone who been making things difficult for you. While you don't feel badly towards them, you also know that you can't have them in your life if they continue creating struggles for you.

You need to look out for number one, and during Mercury in Virgo, that thought becomes blatantly obvious. You have stepped aside so that this other person can have it all, and that's left you with nothing. On September 9, you take back what is yours, including your mental space.


RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Hardships The Week Of September 9 - 15, 2024 After Mercury Re-Enters Virgo

2. Leo

leo struggle ends september 9, 2024 Design: YourTango

The struggle ends for you on this day, Leo, and you will be oh so happy to know that it's not coming back, either. What you've got here is the end of a problem that took a lot of time to complete, and now that it's done and over with, you need not look back. It's over.


This may have something to do with a relationship, which may necessarily be a romantic one. With Mercury in Virgo, in your case, Leo, this may be work-related. You've been in a situation that displeases you in terms of work or employment and it's on September 9 that you see release. 

Whatever trials and tribulations you've been dealing with at work will come to an end. Because of Mercury in Virgo, you're looking at a tidy wrap-up to a struggle that couldn't end soon enough. You're in luck on this day, Leo. You get to sort it all out at this time.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Their Relationship Challenges Between September 9 - 15, 2024

3. Virgo

virgo struggle ends september 9, 2024 Design: YourTango


You wanted out, and on September 9, 2024, you're going to get 'out.' This may refer to a situation that had you feeling trapped. It could have something to do with a friend or a romantic partner, but whatever it is, you know that all this relationship has caused you is trouble, and you are over struggling to make it work.

Thankfully, you're in the presence of a great and helpful transit, Mercury in Virgo. You'll see that it's quite easy to get past certain obstacles under this energy. What you call struggle is now easily morphing into something workable. You can get past this now, and communication plays a big role in this day's success.

Struggles end for you on this day, Virgo, because you figure a way to make it all work out. You are confident in your choices during this time and none of this comes without you really thinking things over first. Still, you come to a conclusion and you do the right thing, which ends your struggle once and for all.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
