Hardships Come To An End For 3 Zodiac Signs On September 9, 2024

This is when our hardships dissolve into less meaningful situations.

hardships ending for woman covered in butterflies september 9, 2024 Photo: Dwayne joe | Design: YourTango

It's time to thank the Sagittarius Moon on September 9 for bringing an end to hardships for three zodiac signs. The Sagittarius Moon's energy puts us in a better mood so that we can better rationalize what we've been going through. While it would be nice to think that all hardships just stop point blank, it's not necessarily that simple. 

Three zodiac signs will notice that they can approach hardships they've been dealing with differently. We may ask ourselves if all the energy we're putting into these difficulties is actually worth it. This is the turning point when our hardships dissolve into less meaningful situations. We aren't captives any longer; we deal with our hardships accordingly.


Hardships come to an end for three zodiac signs on September 9, 2024.

1. Aries

aries hardships end september 9, 2024 Design: YourTango

OK, so you have a few difficult decisions to make and you know they are imminent. You are going to have to come to terms with your decision — but that might be a lot easier than you thought it would be on September 9, 2024, because during a Sagittarius Moon, things are just...easier.


You've been overthinking something to such a degree that it's literally become one of your personal hardships. You don't know when to let go, and that's where your big decision comes in at this time. The universe is giving you a chance to end the hardship that burdens your heart because the Sagittarius Moon shows you that there's no need to fear the unknown, which is what has held you back for so long. 

This transit is all about positivity and the ability to look forward to a happy future. You are able to end this love affair with overthinking, and finally give yourself a well-deserved mental rest, Aries.

RELATED: Weekly Horoscopes From September 9 - 15, 2024 Are Positive And Uplifting For Each Zodiac Sign

2. Cancer

cancer hardships end september 9, 2024 Design: YourTango


Depending on where the Moon is on any certain day, you know all too well how that affects your own mood, Cancer. On September 9, you'll see the Sagittarius Moon bring you hope and the idea that the hardships you've been going through have an expiration date. And here you thought you'd be carrying around this burden forever, didn't you? 

Well, that's why this day is the bringer of happiness. You get a very clear vision of how it absolutely can dissolve right in front of your eyes, if you let it. We're looking at how this hardship of yours has taken over, and how you will put an end to it on this day.

What you thought would be part of your life story in pain and weariness is now something you know with certainty that you could let go of it. Finally, there's a light at the end of the tunnel, and you can see it shining brightly.

RELATED: Weekly Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign From September 9 - 15, 2024


3. Scorpio

scorpio hardships end september 9, 2024 Design: YourTango

All year long, you've been holding on to a secret that you still aren't sure is worth keeping to yourself, and honestly, it's become somewhat of a hardship for you to keep it in. Is it all that worthwhile, all this secretiveness? You'll find that on September 9, it's time to let it go.

Because of the Sagittarius Moon, you'll come to understand that whatever you've been keeping to yourself is actually better released and shared with others. You took on a burden by keeping this secret, and all it's done is hold you back. Sharing with others relieves you of the burden.


This is the day you end this hardship because you realize that you are safe. The Sagittarius Moon lets you know that it's OK to just be YOU, that you need not hold on to that secret any longer. If you trust in the universe on this day, all will be restored and hope will rule once again.

RELATED: The Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On September 9, 2024


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
