3 Zodiac Signs Attract New Opportunities On September 5, 2024

Love may make an entrance on this day.

3 Zodiac Signs Attract New Opportunities On September 5, 2024 Radioex design, Codioful,  Annet Debar, Jacob Lund | Canva Pro

It's quite easy for three zodiac signs to attract new and exciting opportunities on September 5, because everything in the universe points towards success in this regard. We are following the ways of astrology here, and what we'll see is that during the Waxing Crescent Moon in Leo, which also happens to conjunct Venus, we can seek out new opportunities and make the best of them.

What three zodiac signs will experience this Thursday is a rush of self-confidence, which will lead to a force of attraction. We attract what we want, and during the Waxing Crescent in Leo, we attract opportunity. While this may be geared up for business, the presence of Venus in the transit here implies that love may make an entrance, as well.


If we are one of the three zodiac signs here, we will not only feel as though the universe is handing us a great opportunity, we will be more than pleased that we don't scoff at it, that we accept it, and that we aren't jaded or afraid of what's to come. We attract the best and we are there to live it out.


Three zodiac signs attract new opportunities on September 5, 2024

1. Libra

libra zodiac signs attract new opportunities september 5, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro

By the time September 5 rolls around, you feel as though you are ready for anything. You've been waiting around to make something happen all summer long, and you've always had it in mind that it would probably be in September when you're able to take advantage of some primo opportunities.

And you'd be right about that, Libra, as it is time for the opportunities to start flowing your way. You're used to this kind of timing; you anticipated the riches of a new season and you are working well with it. You attract new opportunities at this time and you make the best of what you are offered.


You feel good in general, as so much of what you're involved in has room for growth, and during the Crescent Moon in Leo, you see it all as potentially fabulous. Finally, things are changing for you and you can see yourself moving in a very positive direction shortly. Good days ahead, Libra.

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2. Scorpio

scorpio zodiac signs attract new opportunities september 5, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


During the Crescent Moon in Leo, you'll feel as though the power within you is starting to gain traction; things are working out for you, and you know how that goes in your life, Scorpio — one good thing leads to another and another, and so on. You are on a roll now, and September 5 marks the beginning of a whole slew of great opportunities.

You've got the energy to meet these opportunities, too, which is so much of the reason why you are being handed them. You are, quite obviously, the person for the job, whether that job is professional or romantic. Whatever it is, you are at the peak of your game right now, and you feel you can be your best at whatever you do.

Because this Moon is waxing, you know in your heart that this is only the beginning. That you can attract such great opportunities right now only shows you that this is the shape of things to come. You are ready for more and you will receive more and more because this is what makes you feel alive and good for you, Scorpio.

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3. Capricorn

capricorn zodiac signs attract new opportunities september 5, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro

Oh Capricorn, it does seem as though you have just walked into a very good world of opportunity and you know it. And when opportunity knocks in your life, you always answer it with a smile. You are one of those always-ready people; you anticipate good fortune at every turn, and you're ready for it.

Your attitude shines forth on September 5, and it is boosted by the Crescent Moon in Leo. What takes place next is that you notice how easy it is for you to believe something into being. What that essentially means is that because you believe in yourself, you can create a vortex of attraction; you attract opportunity.


And because the Crescent Moon in Leo is a waxing Moon with a touch of Venus in it, you'll find that whatever this new opportunity takes you, it's going to be something you love. Love is the environment for your opportunity to flourish can't be bad, Capricorn!

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
