3 Zodiac Signs See Their Manifestations Come True On September 4, 2024

Magic is the creation of something from nothing.

woman's manifestation coming true september 4 Photo: JC Gellidon | Design: YourTango

On September 4, 2024, four zodiac signs may start believing in magic as their manifestations come true. We are fortunate enough to have the Moon trine Uranus while opposite Neptune, and thanks to this Uranus-Neptune alchemy, what we wish for on September 4 is more than just a possibility — it's got probability.

While we're all privy to this kind of 'magic,' we'll notice that the real manifesting goes out to the three zodiac signs that literally do believe in magic, or rather in their own potential. They believe in themselves and their dreams, and therefore, we make these things into present and positive realities.


3 zodiac signs whose manifestations come true on September 4, 2024:

1. Cancer

cancer zodiac sign manifestation comes true september 4 riffadi.id, Gabrielle Scarlett and D GraPX / Canva


You have always believed in yourself and now this kind of confidence is starting to show up in ways you always knew would happen. You are the magician on this day, and you've got the power of Moon trine Uranus to help you manifest your dreams as you'd like them to show up.

You are powerful and directed as well. You see what you want in your mind and you do your best to stick to the plan. Things have been going well in your life for a while now, but that doesn't mean they can't get even better — as they are about to, Cancer.

It will be on September 4th that you get to see your dreams manifest in the way you have always wished them to, and so much of it happens because of your unwavering dedication and belief in yourself. You prove to the world that self-love has a purpose, and when this love is authentic, dreams do come true.

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2. Libra

libra zodiac sign manifestation comes true september 4 riffadi.id, Gabrielle Scarlett and D GraPX / Canva

You've always thought of yourself as someone who is tapped into the universal magic, and on September 4, 2024, you'll feel exceptionally strong when it comes to being a person of power. You not only know you can manifest a dream of yours into reality, you go ahead and do it. You are that strong during Moon trine Uranus.

And because Neptune makes an entrance, you get to manifest this dream of yours intelligently. You aren't just manifesting for the sake of showing yourself that you can do it. You are creating reality out of dreams because you have thought it all out first. There's a method to the madness here, Libra.


You may even have fun with it on this day, as you feel you could say a few 'magic' words to help your situation along. Even if it's all in fun, you like playing the role of magician, and it will be on September 4th that you get to see some of that magic come through for you.

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3. Aquarius

aquarius zodiac sign manifestation comes true september 4 riffadi.id, Gabrielle Scarlett and D GraPX / Canva


What you've got on your side, Aquarius, is the ability to dedicate yourself fully to an idea. Your stick-to-it-ive-ness works for you and puts you in a class of your own. You believe, and therefore you create. You are your own version of a magician simply because you know that if you hang in there, you will see results happen sooner or later.

The cool part is that 'later' is now, meaning that it will be this Thursday that you get to see one of your greatest dreams manifest as reality for you, thanks to the presence of Uranus and Neptune in the night sky. You knew it could happen and bingo! Here it is, the real deal, all here for you, right now.

You manifest dreams come true because you are headstrong and devoted. You never once flinched in the face of doubt. You knew you could make this one dream come true and because it does on September 4th that you feel even more confident about your personal 'magic' than you ever have before.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
