3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Self-Doubt & Find True Happiness On September 3, 2024

We are now ready to step out of our own way.

3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Self-Doubt & Find True Happiness On September 3, 2024 Knaneeros, Lisaabeth Studio, Dean Drobot | Canva Pro

This Tuesday, September 3, holds much in store for three zodiac signs when it comes to finally getting over the self doubt we've held on to, for whatever reasons we may consider to be important. During this day's astrology report, we see that we've got Moon opposite Saturn, which automatically lets us know that we are now ready to step out of our own way.

Three zodiac signs are ready to start anew; we want to be happy, truly happy, and we've come to understand that the only thing that sets us apart from that kind of contented happiness is what we throw in to create drama in our lives.


When we confront our actions, we can see them clearly and we can judge what we've done as right or wrong. We have spent way too many days doubting our abilities, and keeping ourselves OUT of the light; on September 3, during the Moon opposite Saturn, three zodiac signs decide that happiness is worth fighting for, and that means getting over our doubtful delusions.

Three zodiac signs overcome self-doubt and find true happiness on September 3, 2024

1. Taurus

taurus zodiac signs overcome self-doubt find true happiness september 3, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


Something is going on in your romantic life and it's got you feeling at odds with your thoughts. On the one hand, you want to be kind and sweet to your partner, but on the other hand, there are things that you need for them to know, because if they aren't aware of what's going on in your head, then things could go the wrong way.

Because you're working with the transit of Moon opposite Saturn, you are being forced to look at yourself and your past actions. What you've learned is much; you know who you are and concerning your partnership, you've also learned that you can no longer doubt yourself. You have something to say...it's time you say it, Taurus.

You love the person you are with and you want a happy life with them, so to create this as reality, you're going to have to get past certain things, like self-doubt, and you're going to just have to speak up and tell it like it is. Don't worry too much over this, Taurus; the Moon opposite Saturn has your back.

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2. Libra

libra zodiac signs overcome self-doubt find true happiness september 3, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro

All you want is what the next person wants: to be happy. I mean, who doesn't want to simply be happy, and why on earth are we not happy when this is what we seek? In your case, Libra, you'll notice that so much of what makes up for your lack of happiness lies in the idea that you doubt yourself too much.

Oh yes, you know you are charming and easy to be around, but that doesn't have you convinced of the idea that you are worthy of being happy and having a good life. On September 3, the tides will change things up a bit, and because of the Moon opposite Saturn, you'll see that you can start to trust the universe and its ways.


So, it's all about you doubting yourself and being very unfair about it, at that. You needn't put yourself down so much, Libra. There's a reason so many people like you and that's because you are honestly likable. So, own it and have yourself a good day because of it. Have yourself a good life while you're there.

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3. Aquarius

aquarius zodiac signs overcome self-doubt find true happiness september 3, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


Overcoming self-doubt is going to be a tricky one for you, Aquarius, because first, you're going to have to admit that you do doubt yourself and that your self-esteem is less than it should be. You want to come across as someone who's got it all under control, and yet, you've stood in your way for so long that you are now used to it.

What you secretly crave is...happiness. And it burns you to think that you could have it if only you'd come to terms with the idea that you have to like yourself a little more to get it. That's great, because on September 3, you're about to fall in love with yourself, and why? Because during Moon opposite Saturn, you realize that you're awesome.

This is real, Aquarius. This transit, Moon opposite Saturn, shows you what you were, and what you could be, but all of it is within your reach. The you that you envision as happy and filled with self-confidence exists right now, and with the help of this transit, you'll be in touch with it, and it could potentially stick. Keep it up, Aquarius.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
