3 Zodiac Signs Enter A Period Of Prosperity On September 3, 2024

We're looking at two sides of the coin here...

3 Zodiac Signs Enter A Period Of Prosperity On September 3, 2024 Lennard Schubert from Pexels, Lisaabeth Studio, And and N Photography | Canva Po

September 3, 2024 ushers in a period of prosperity and good fortune for three zodiac signs. Tuesday's astrology brings us the Moon opposite Saturn, and what we may receive from this cosmic condition is an open door into what we might only call...riches.

Now, before we get too excited, those riches may not be related to money, or rather...money only. Because we're looking at an oppositional transit, we're looking at two sides of the coin here, which means there's more to it than what meets the eyes when we think about prosperity.


Three zodiac signs may experience a sudden flourish of opportunity, for example. With the Moon opposite Saturn on September 3, we may also see that our instincts are on point; we know how to steer ourselves in the direction of prosperity. We make informed decisions that lead to better odds for ourselves in terms of money, love, career, and health.

Three zodiac signs enter a period of prosperity on September 3, 2024.

1. Gemini

gemini zodiac signs enter period prosperity september 3, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro


You have been telling yourself that you want to create the perfect job, and while others don't take you seriously, you know that in your world, things have to be either perfect or they don't work at all. You've been heading in the right direction for months now, and you'll find that you hit pay dirt as you walk into a prosperous period.

While this doesn't necessarily mean the cash flow is going to suddenly turn into a windfall, with the transit of Moon opposite Saturn at your side, you'll be able to start planning again, knowing that this job situation that you've just created is something that can bring you security.

You aren't asking for the world, Gemini, and just because you're a perfectionist doesn't necessarily mean striving for the impossible; in fact, you are merely fine-tuning your creativity to be happy while being engaged in prosperous employment. It's all good, and the Moon opposite Saturn helps you reach the desired level.

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2. Virgo

virgo zodiac signs enter period prosperity september 3, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

You don't have to stay stuck if you don't want to. What do you know? You do not wish to be stuck doing anything, especially work. You are a great worker, dedicated, and good at what you do, but one thing stands out: you don't feel you are being paid enough. Hmm ... that again.

During Moon opposite Saturn, you'll find that by asking for more, you receive more. It's that easy. You may have been reluctant to upping your pay game, but now, you feel you've got nothing to lose; it's time to ask for a raise. It's also time to get it.


This is when you realize you are entering a period of prosperity and good fortune, Virgo. Yes, you. There's no need to look over your shoulder at the other person when the universe points you out as the grand prize winner. One thing leads to another, and before you know it, you'll consider yourself prosperous.

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3. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac signs enter period prosperity september 3, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro


The idea of entering a period of prosperity is not only a welcome thought for you, Sagittarius; it's one you are quite ready to walk into. During the transit of the Moon opposite Saturn, you'll see what you've come out of and that you no longer wish to live that way.

This day, September 3, sets your mind up for success rather than the acceptance of anything less. You've always been good with getting around things and making the best out of situations that are less than desirable, but who's to say what you could do with proper success? That's where you get to show the world what is possible.

Can you handle the idea of wealth, abundance, and opportunity pouring in on you? Well, heck yeah, you sure can, and you sure will, because this is Day One of the Prosperous Times, and if it happens to them, then it can happen to you. You are ready for the glory; you fully accept that good things can and do happen to you, Sagittarius.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
