5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest The Week Of August 26 - September 1, 2024

Authentic luck with sparkles of brilliance!

5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest The Week Of August 26 - September 1, 2024 Nikada from Getty Images Signature, cloverlittleworld, STILLFX from Getty Images | Canva Pro

Trust yourself, and you will conquer the world. That's the energy and theme this week, between August 26-September 1, 2024, in matters of luck. However, five Chinese zodiac signs will benefit more than the rest if they lean into it. 

This week, the I Ching hexagram of luck is Thunder over Thunder (#51), changing to Fire over Water (#64). It tells us that the greatest gift you can give yourself is the gift of freedom to be exactly who you are. The world will always be divided into opinions and preferences, so conforming may not be conforming at all from the bird's eye perspective. What may help you conform in one locality will be your bane in another. So why conform? Why be what you are not?


True friendships and camaraderie emerge when you dare to be yourself. True luck flows from this source, too. Just remember to take it slow if you need to go slow and speed up if you wish to be speedy in embracing your full self. The journey will be different for everyone. Do you want to discover what yours will look like? 

Maintaining a journal or a scrapbook for this very purpose may help. It will stir your creative side, too. Let's focus on Horse, Pig, Ox, Rabbit, and Rooster zodiac signs.

Five luckiest Chinese zodiac signs from August 26 - September 1, 2024.

1. Horse: all-around luck

horse chinese zodiac weekly lucky august 26-september 1, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva


Horse, you have hit the jackpot where luck is concerned this week! Be prepared to feel the symbolic wind lift your sail high and make the next leg of your journey super easy. Remember: you'll have to actively engage with the world and focus on what truly matters to you to take advantage of this luck. 

After all, how can this lucky wind help you reach a new stratosphere if you aren't willing to steer your ship or flap your wings? There are too many metaphors in this message, but they fit the essence of this energy well. So ponder on this and then go, go, go! The color green will be lucky for you this week.

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2. Pig: financial luck

pig chinese zodiac weekly lucky august 26-september 1, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva


Well, Pig, everyone likes hearing those words concerning luck! So look out for a big boost in your finances this week. If you are a service worker, you will experience this more strongly than others. For example, if you run a restaurant, you may receive some excellent reviews out of the blue or have an influencer walk in mid-week who makes you go viral for the awesome food you serve. 

Then, the coins will flow in. So don't try to speculate how this luck will act. The outcome will add more green to your wallet. Also, green will be lucky for you this week, especially through plants.

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3. Ox: creative luck

ox chinese zodiac weekly lucky august 26-september 1, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva


Ox, you have an important choice to make. Will you seize your destiny and your luck this week? Or will you allow peer pressure or social expectations to divert you from this luck? Your creativity will receive a tremendous boost from lucky occurrences this week. But if you are not ready to act on it, this luck will flow out of your life just as quickly.

Don't let that happen! You can always party another week or chat with family some other time. But such boons are rare and must be respected as the blessing they are. Make up your mind now to move forward with strength and confidence. The color blue will be lucky for you this week.

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4. Rabbit: luck in love

rabbit chinese zodiac weekly lucky august 26-september 1, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva


Before we get anywhere, Rabbit, your luck this week has everything to do with love in all its manifestations. Whether it's the love you have for your family, pet, creative hobbies, romantic partner, friends, mentor, or other people, you will discover your luck when you lean into love. The magnitude and depth of love is irrelevant here. 

You only need to engage lovingly with people as is appropriate based on your relationship with them. In different settings, this choice will make you kinder, more honest, more accepting, or more protective. Let the relationship guide you to what comes naturally to your soul. Your luck will flow when you do. The color red will be extremely lucky for you this week.

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5. Rooster: luck in life

rooster chinese zodiac weekly lucky august 26-september 1, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva


Rooster, your luck this week is unique. You will discover it when you are wrapped in solitude and enjoying some time only with yourself. If some of you find it challenging to be alone, hug a pillow to comfort yourself, but allow yourself to engage with this luck. 

It may bring you inspiration or a profound insight or even stoke the desire to re-watch your favorite TV series without needing others to join you. The details are not highlighted here, but the wait and curiosity will be worth it. The colors red, blue, and green will be lucky for you this week.

RELATED: The Unconventional Money Habits Of Each Zodiac Sign


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
