Success Finds 3 Zodiac Signs On September 2, 2024

We are here to win.

Success Finds 3 Zodiac Signs On September 2, 2024 redindias-images, Alyssa Babasa from Sketchify, Shen Stock, Dean Drobot | Canva Pro

We're starting September with a bang, folks, as this day has three zodiac signs: finding great success and reward for their efforts. Astrologically, we've got a New Moon, and when this kind of energy pervades our lives, we can take it one way or another, meaning we can succeed or fail — the choice is up to us.

Three zodiac signs may feel as though we desperately need to succeed, and while desperation can lead to confusion and chaotic moves, the zodiac signs that are bound for success here on this day are the ones who use their desperation to get what we need. We take on the idea of success as a competitive sport; we are here to win.


With New Moon energy surrounding us, we could easily be swayed to become lazy and inert, but where would that lead us? Certainly not towards the success we crave. So, on Monday, September 2, we give it our all. We go for success because it's on this day, during this transit, that 'failure is not an option.'


Success finds three zodiac signs on September 2, 2024.

1. Sagittarius

sagittarius success finds zodiac signs september 2, 2024 Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro

No, failure is not an option where you are concerned, Sagittarius, as you plunge forward fearlessly toward the success you know is already yours. It's September 2, and the stars are just right; you've got the New Moon on your side, and with it comes your ability to believe.

And you choose to believe in yourself, as usual, because you've learned in your life that the only way to achieve your belief is by standing up tall and giving in to it completely. You are a super dedicated person, Sagittarius, and when you deliver the goods, those goods are excellent.


What you let in is success, and it comes to you on this day. Whenever we have New Moon energy working with us, we could take it either way; you opt for success, which means you don't even consider the idea of failing. Your self-belief is what takes you over the top. This helps you build even more self-confidence.

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2. Capricorn

capricorn success finds zodiac signs september 2, 2024 Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro


Now that it's September, you want something to look forward to. You feel that, technically, the Summer is at an end, and while you more than likely worked all through the Summer, you still had that lazy attitude that felt like work was something you didn't want to dedicate yourself to fully.

Well, now, it's autumn in your mind, and for you, this means it's time to get down to business. Ah, this is your element, Capricorn; you love getting down to business and can use the energy afforded you through the New Moon, as this transit shows you that you have a choice: get on it or stay behind.

Getting on it is always the Capricorn choice, and you'll parlay all this energy into great success. And you know it's true, too. You are that person who makes it a reality once they get something in their mind. What you have in mind is success, so it's only natural that success finds you.

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3. Pisces

pisces success finds zodiac signs september 2, 2024 Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro

Success finds you well and happy on Monday, September 2, which may come to you as a completed issue. Say, for instance, you've been waiting for someone to either sign a contract or you've been patient with another person as they finally come around to talk to you; this is the day you get to find that closure.

During the New Moon, you'll find that the day's energy is all about 'getting to the other side.' That's New Moon energy for you, as it's all about 'one way or the other' with this transit. You need something done, and on September 2, it gets done. Finally, now you can relax.


The success you compel on this day broadens in range as time goes on. You get relief and satisfaction from the closure process on this day, but this leads to more success. You needed to 'close the deal', and by doing so on September 2, you opened the doors to future achievements.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
