2 Lucky Zodiac Signs Experience Powerful Abundance On August 23, 2024

Virgo season is here, and it's time to tidy up!

Lucky Zodiac Signs Experience Powerful Abundance On August 23, 2024 Anna kim from Getty Images, Ridofranz n| Canva Pro

With August 23, 2024, upon us, the Virgo season has officially begun! As the Sun shifts from the vivacious, expressive sign of Leo into the cautious, elegant sign of Virgo, the cosmos signals a fresh start for everyone. 

After basking in Leo's bold, creative energy, Virgo's influence is here to help us focus on the finer details. This is a season for embracing practicality, efficiency, and a sense of purpose that propels us toward our goals.


This time of year is all about grounding yourself in reality with a touch of Virgo finesse. It's not just about getting things done; it's about doing them well, with care and precision. The earthy energy of Virgo encourages us to take a closer look at the little things, recognizing that even the smallest adjustments can significantly impact our lives. 

Whether you're decluttering your space to create a more peaceful environment, setting up a new wellness routine, or finally making those long-overdue tweaks to your schedule, Virgo season brings order to the chaos. 


With the Sun now illuminating Virgo's qualities, there’s no better time to harness this energy and make some practical magic happen in your life.

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Two lucky zodiac signs experience powerful abundance on August 23, 2024.

1. Leo

leo zodiac signs daily abundance august 23, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


August 23, 2024, marks your grand finale, Leo. As the Sun prepares to leave your sign and enter Virgo, you're gifted with one last burst of solar energy. This is your moment to embrace the final days of Leo season, reflect on your accomplishments, and make those bold, last moves before Virgo season takes over.

You may feel more emotional and drawn to acts of kindness that touch the hearts of your loved ones. The cosmos encourages you to take inventory of your romantic and familial relationships. 

Address any wounds from past relationships you may be carrying with you in the present or those sticky belief systems holding you back. The stars are asking you to realize that sometimes, it’s okay to share the spotlight to build deeper bonds with family. 

Perhaps you’re changing your routines to get to know your loved ones better, learning to balance your desire to lead with a willingness to connect more meaningfully. As the day wraps up, the Moon forms a bi-quintile to Venus, infusing your relationships and creative pursuits with a refined, unconventional energy. 


This aspect provides the perfect opportunity to embrace your unique style while adapting to the needs and desires of those you care about. It’s a day where your creativity, compassion, and individuality come together, helping you close out Leo season with a heart full of love and a spirit ready for the next adventure.

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2. Virgo

virgo zodiac signs daily abundance august 23, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


For Virgo, August 23, 2024, marks the beginning of your solar return, and the stars are rolling out the red carpet just for you. You may feel a renewed sense of purpose, energy, and vitality with the Sun in your sign. And why wouldn’t you? After all, it’s your solar return (basically your cosmic New Year). 

This is the perfect time to lay out those "resolutions" and set the tone for the year ahead. Whether embarking on a new personal project, setting health goals, or simply feeling more in tune with who you are, the universe gives you the green light to move forward confidently.

But here’s the scoop: your superpower is rolling with the punches. You've got the flexibility of a yogi and the resilience of rubber. After all, you are a mutable sign. While others around you may be stumbling over the constant changes, you're on cruise control, navigating the chaos like a champ. However, being a mutable sign can also translate into nervous, even restless energy.

 With the start of your season, the stars encourage you to channel that energy and focus on what makes your heart race. The universe gives you the thumbs-up to streamline your path and stop chasing your tail. With a little elbow grease and determination, you’ll turn those lofty dreams into your new reality.


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Jla Starr Johnson is a journalist currently enrolled in the Professional Astrologer Training and Certification Diploma Program at Astrology University.
