3 Zodiac Signs Attract Wealth On August 31, 2024

We've come to trust our own judgement when it comes to matters of wealth.

3 Zodiac Signs Attract Wealth On August 31, 2024 Cawis, Thomas Aradea from Ara Creative, Lisaabeth Studio, Rido | Canva Pro

Saturday, August 31, comes through with a bang for three zodiac signs regarding money and smart financial moves. The day's astrology shows us that because we've got a Waning Moon in Leo, we're looking at how we understand money and make plans and investments according to expert advice.

Three zodiac signs attract weather because we've been doing the right thing all along; we've been conscious, aware, and on top of things. We've learned our lessons and applied our intelligence to finance, and now, we've come to trust our own judgment when it comes to matters of wealth.


The universe responds to us on this day, because we are money-magnets; believers in gold, lovers of riches. We desire the safety and security that comes with wealth, so we use our powers to attract such wealth. We are successful, too, as this day truly blesses us with what we wish for.


Three zodiac signs attract wealth on August 31, 2024.

1. Libra

libra zodiac signs attract wealth august 31, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

It's August 31, and everything is going according to plan. You had all of this in mind when you started, and what's now starting to take shape is the return on an investment, whether in time or money. It's the end of August and the end of Leo's lunar transition, and that means that you're now ready.

Ready for what, Libra? Ready to reap the rewards of your efforts? You attract wealth on this day because you've made sure you've attracted it all along. This is no big surprise for you, as this is what you've had in mind for quite some time. During the Waning Moon in Leo, you get to finally seal the deal.


And the deal you're sealing is the one that doesn't stop here; in fact, you can look forward to a massively successful September, as this wealth you attract doesn't really come with an expiration date. All you know is that if you continue to do whatever magic you're doing, you should be able to continue to attract wealth wherever you go.

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2. Capricorn

capricorn zodiac signs attract wealth august 31, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva


Ever since you decided that you wanted to be rich, you've seen a shift in the universe. It seems that when you take yourself seriously, you tend to become quite magnetic to the forces of good. You have always craved a life of luxury, and while that's not always the case for you, you seem to be on to something now.

August 31 ushers in a new era for you, Capricorn, as you've become quite the money magnet over the last few weeks. You are well aware that this isn't happening on its own, so when you're presented with the help of a Waning Moon in Leo, you know that this is a joint effort comprised of you and the universe.

You not only attract wealth, but you attract all good things, like love, positive reactions, and opportunity as well. It's a very good, and very active day for you, Capricorn, and you'll see that this Saturday has more in store for you than you ever thought possible...and all of it is positive. Sweet!

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3. Aquarius

aquarius zodiac signs attract wealth august 31, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

Yes, your zodiac sign is definitely among the ones selected by the universe to attract great wealth. This makes you happy, but it also makes sense in your world. You have always loved money; you respect what it takes to attract it to yourself, and you are not greedy.

What August 31 offers you is the knowledge that your attitude can take you a far distance if you stick with it. You want to continue to attract this kind of financial good luck, and during the Waning Moon in Leo, you'll see that this really is a matter of keeping it up. Waning energy always brings a reminder.


This Saturday puts you right in touch with your power of attraction; you can do this because you believe in yourself to the core. You have always seen yourself as someone who is surrounded by wealth and abundance, and on August 31, you get a surefire sign that it's all happening just the way you envisioned it.

RELATED: 4 Zodiac Signs Predestined To Achieve Great Wealth In Their Lifetime, According To An Astrologer


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
