3 Zodiac Signs See Their Dreams Manifest On August 28, 2024

We're in the right place for this kind of positive energy to surround us.

 3 Zodiac Signs See Their Dreams Manifest On August 28, 2024 stel antics from corelens, big lineart, panadesign from panacreative studio, red_india's images | Canva Pro

August 28 brings us the Venus opposite Neptune transit, and because of its placement in our charts, we may very well be able to consider this to be a day that allows us to manifest our dreams. Astrologically, we're in the right place for this kind of positive energy to surround us, and for three zodiac signs, this also means that our minds are in the driver's seat.

What we think about is what we create on days ruled by Venus opposite Neptune. Neptune represents spirit and imagination, and on this day, August 28, it opposes Venus. Thus, we are looking at realism versus fantasy; we can have one or the other.


This means we have a choice, and that's how we can maneuver a fantasy into reality; in other words, that's how we manifest our dreams. We decide to go for it. We use the powers of Venus opposite Neptune to show ourselves that what we want is within our grasp, and we go for it. Three zodiac signs get to know this feeling all too well, this Wednesday.

Three zodiac signs see their dreams manifest on August 28, 2024

1. Gemini

gemini zodiac signs see dreams manifest august 28, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


You don't feel as though it's too much to ask for this one particular dream of yours to come true. After all, you've been dedicated and loyal, and you know that if you were to manifest this dream you'd live up to your end of the bargain in terms of keeping it going.

Because it's August 28 and we've got the transit of Venus opposite Neptune working to help us with things like the manifestation of dreams, you'll be able to tap into the energy source on this day, and if you can focus just enough, you'll get to see that dream of yours come true.

All it takes is the ability to continue believing, and you've got that one on lock, Gemini. You believe in yourself and in what you're about to manifest, and you can show the universe that this is the stuff for you and that you are willing to do what it takes to make this dream come true.

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2. Scorpio

scorpio zodiac signs see dreams manifest august 28, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

What you feel most distinctively is that you are now letting go of all negative energy, and because you've got Venus opposite Neptune to work with, you'll find that this is easy to do. You've been trapped in a loop of negative thinking and it's killed your hopes and dreams, and then, you wake up on August 28 and you feel you want none of that bad attitude.

As soon as you're able to take notice of your own new, positive attitude, you will see that almost instantly things start to get better. And so, if things are instantly getting better, then you might as well get back to the work of keeping hope alive. Why not go for those dreams again?


Because you feel enthusiastic and energized by Venus opposite Neptune, you'll hop right back on top of that hope wagon, and once again, you'll feel like your old self, Scorpio. This means you should accept that with the good comes the manifestation, so dream on, dream big, and make it all happen.

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3. Pisces

pisces zodiac signs see dreams manifest august 28, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


With Venus opposite Neptune in your charts on this day, August 28, you, Pisces, will feel as though you don't want to limit yourself to dreams alone. You want to see some of these dreams come true, and you have enough nerve to set aside some time to do just that. This day is about manifesting dreams, and as far as you're concerned, that's a done deal.

You've spent a long enough time just gliding through life, assuming the best of things and living it out without much fanfare. And then, you get it into your head that maybe there's more to this deal, and that maybe it's time for you to start manifesting some of the stuff you've held inside.

Wednesday shows up for you as a very good day to stand back and watch one of your big dreams come true. It doesn't happen out of nowhere, in fact, you're the motor behind the manifestation, but it sure doesn't hurt to have the transit of Venus opposite Neptune working in your favor.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
