The Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On August 28, 2024

If we play our cards right, we might just end up doing something wonderful.

The Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On August 28, 2024 Red India's Images, simple art, Scopio | Canva Art

With Mercury in direct motion and the Moon in Cancer, we're looking at how August 28, 2024, may turn out to be fairly remarkable in terms of personal choices. This day's astrology lets us know that the tension is now dissipating and that if we play our cards right, we might end up doing something wonderful. Wednesday gives us that chance, and four zodiac signs will follow.

There's a special message hidden within the day's vibe, and if we can hone in on it, we'll be able to figure something out about our own lives that may lead to an extraordinary awakening. Things happen whenever Mercury leaves its retrograde station, and for four zodiac signs, that happening will occur positively and productively on August 28.


The universe has a special message for four zodiac signs on August 28, 2024.

1. Aries

aries universe special message zodiac signs august 28, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

The main reason why you are so receptive on August 28, is because you've got a Cancer Moon above you, causing you to feel a little more sensitive than usual. That's a good thing, too, as it will take a sensitive person to be able to pick up on the universal message that's heading your way, at this time.


Now that we've got Mercury Direct, we're all feeling a little better about certain things in our lives, and for you, Aries, between this transit and the Cancer Moon, you'll start to put the more confusing of things into proper perspective.

What the universe wants you to know at this point is that it's OK to be vulnerable. You may have been on the defensive for a while there, believing you needed to protect yourself from emotional harm, and during the Cancer Moon, you'll see that it's now OK to lay down your shield, as the world has positive experiences in store for you.

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2. Cancer

cancer universe special message zodiac signs august 28, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


During the Cancer Moon on August 28, you are particularly sensitive to what's going on around you, and this could bring you a feeling of hyper-vulnerability or it might help you see something clearly. What's going on in your case, Cancer, is that on this day, the universe wants you to find balance.

You may have gone through a time recently when everything was polarized and extreme. All the decisions you've made were made on impulse and while that's not like you at all, you still acted according to what you felt was right. You made choices that you are now looking at as impulsive and perhaps even reckless.

What this Wednesday brings you is a new look at how you've been going about your business. Because you've got Mercury Direct and a Cancer Moon, you'll feel as though you are being pulled back down to Earth. You feel centered and grounded on this day, and this is what the universe wants you to feel.

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3. Leo

leo universe special message zodiac signs august 28, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

What becomes very apparent on August 28, for you, Leo, is the release of tension in a very obvious way. You have been stressed out and the universe has taken notice of you. What the universe wants to you know right now is that it's all going to be OK and that you don't have to overthink things anymore.

Because you've got the support of a Cancer Moon, you'll be more in touch with your sensitive side, and that doesn't mean you'll be hyper-sensitive; it does mean, however, that you'll find ways to help yourself deal with whatever it is you're going through. Coping mechanisms work well during the Cancer Moon.


Leo, do not take it all that hard. Yes, you've had some tough dealings recently, but you are also someone who knows how to handle things when the going gets rough. Know this, and this comes expressly via the universe itself: everything that you're going through right now shall pass. It will all be OK.

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4. Aquarius

aquarius universe special message zodiac signs august 28, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


You will receive a special message from the universe on August 28, and what this message will convey is the idea that no matter what others think of you, it doesn't matter. You've recently gotten yourself into this funk over what someone in your life said to you, as it directly contradicted what you believe in.

That's OK, we're all entitled to our own opinions, and what the universe wants you to know during the Cancer Moon, is that your opinion and way of life are just as legit as anyone else's. This means that you should care less about what others think of you and more about what means the most to you.

The Cancer Moon exists at the same time as Mercury Direct, and this combination of transits works so well to restore order to your life, Aquarius. You need not concern yourself with the opinions or expectations of others. This is your life, and the universe supports you for who you are, as you are.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
