3 Zodiac Signs Rise Above Challenges On August 28, 2024

With Mercury in direct motion, everything around us seems a whole lot...lighter.

woman rising above challengrs august 28 afilabs.co, mimagephotography, jessicahyde from Getty Images | Canva Pro

Mercury is no longer in retrograde as of August 28, 2024, and whether we want to admit it or not...things are definitely going to go a lot smoother for us now. Astrologically, this is a time for healing and for rising above the challenges that we've only recently found ourselves having to confront.

It's Wednesday and we may find that this truly is a 'hump' day in so much as this midweek shift brings us good fortune and a much better outlook on our lives. With Mercury retrograde out of the way, we'll find that for three zodiac signs, communications free up and this is key in helping us get past certain challenges.


What we might have called a challenge only yesterday now seems to be something that doesn't feel as threatening, in fact, rising above this challenge feels like the right thing to do; we see ourselves winning this round, and now that we've got Mercury in direct motion, everything around us seems a whole lot...lighter.


Three zodiac signs rise above challenges on August 28, 2024.

1. Taurus

taurus zodiac signs rise above challenges august 28, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro

Mercury Direct plays a profound role in your daily life and starting on this day, August 28, you'll find that because of this direct motion, things seem to lighten up for you. This covers relationships with co-workers as well as with friends. There's a lot less tension in the air at this time.

Say for instance you have a co-worker that you find unbearable. OK, so you don't want to be judgmental but you can't help but shudder whenever that person interferes with your work. You may come to see that much of your trouble with this person was due to a lag caused by Mercury Retrograde...and now that it's over, so is the trouble.


You no longer see relating to this person as drudgery or a challenge, and the last thing you want out of your work life is to feel challenged in ways that bore you or feel redundant. Finally, there's a balance going on, and both you and the person who annoys you find peace, thanks to Mercury Direct.

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2. Gemini

gemini zodiac signs rise above challenges august 28, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro


You're at the point where you can't stop laughing over how challenging certain things in your life have become, like your work situation, for starters. You just can't get it together, and this black cloud has lasted for more time than you can bear until this day, that is, as August 28 brings you Mercury Direct, which changes the whole picture.

Mercury Retrograde held you back, which makes it quite shocking when suddenly things start to get back into the flow for you, work-wise. So, it seems the black cloud had an expiration date and that you are now ready to both accept the challenges ahead and conquer them.

You feel confident and ready now, Gemini, and you feel as though the universe is supporting you and your efforts. You are not projecting the idea of failure any longer; you see yourself as a winner, a person who gets the job done — someone who sets out to accomplish a task and walks away happy that you did.

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3. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac signs rise above challenges august 28, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro

To rise above the challenge, or not to rise...that is the question, and on August 28, you'll find that there's only one choice for you and that's the one that has you rising up, up, up, and conquering whatever it is that holds you back. You've got Mercury Direct on your side, and you finally feel clearheaded and ready for action.

This Wednesday, you'll see that what you felt was scary or foreboding only a few days ago now feels like something you absolutely must confront...and get over. You don't like giving in to fear and you won't, but you need Mercury Direct to help you feel confident in this...and it does help.


You'll see that on this day, your attitude just changes. What you'll realize is that this one really is on you, Sagittarius, and that if you are to rise to the challenge then it's not going to happen on its own; you have to be the engine that propels it forward. And so, like the strong, focused Sagittarius that you are...you move those mountains. Challenge accepted!

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
