4 Zodiac Signs Encounter Good Luck On August 27, 2024

There's an element of surprise and excitement at play...

4 Zodiac Signs Encounter Good Luck On August 27, 2024 Trendify, Shen Stock, visualspace from Getty Images Signature | Canva Pro

August 27 delivers the good stuff as this date comes with a slew of good luck transits, and for four zodiac signs, it looks like that good luck will come our way. For starters, we've got the incredible Moon conjunct Jupiter, which needs a red carpet all for itself, as this transit steals the spotlight when it comes to being the 'bearer of good news.'

Working to make sure it all takes place and that we get the hint, we've got Mercury in there, aligned with the Jupiter conjunction, and this is more than likely what makes the good luck seem a bit surprising. So, an element of surprise and excitement comes with our good luck delivery on August 27, 2024. Four zodiac signs, while surprised, may find themselves enjoying how it all plays out.


Four zodiac signs encounter good luck on August 27, 2024.

1. Taurus

taurus zodiac signs encounter good luck august 27, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

Little did you know, but it seems that the people you work with have something in mind for you which will bring smiles all around. It appears that during the transit of Moon conjunct Jupiter on August 27, you're in for some good news, and there's a good chance it's career-related.


Whether it's just a small token of appreciation or an actual raise in pay, you'll find that all things work-related on this day seem to be working in your favor. You are well loved and very much respected, and if you didn't know this already, then Tuesday is the day you find out.

It's a good luck day for you, and with Moon conjunct Jupiter at the helm, you'll find that it extends into the realm of friendship and romance as well. So, whatever you do on this day, Taurus, know this: you'll be sleeping with a smile by the end of the night.

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2. Leo

leo zodiac signs encounter good luck august 27, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva


Mercury helps to pave the way for this day's mega transit, Moon conjunct Jupiter, and because you're the one in luck, today brings all the good stuff out. You not only feel lucky at this time, but you also see signs that your luck is hot right now. You've got the Midas touch, Leo, and you're starting to notice it in action.

What you do hits all the right notes with the people in your life, too. This Moon conjunct Jupiter energy is special and how it works in your life is in so much as you become charming. That's not to say you're not always charming (you are), but on Tuesday, you seem to be able to turn it on like a lightbulb.

Your charisma impresses others and draws them to you, which always makes you feel like you've hit the jackpot. You enjoy being admired (who doesn't?), and this is the kind of thing you might consider good luck.

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3. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac signs encounter good luck august 27, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

So, it will be a day of good luck, is it? Yes, it is, Sagittarius, and you know how to handle yourself around positive energy. This isn't true of everyone, as some people self-sabotage when they are in good fortune, but you? You are all there for it. You respect it, and you welcome it in.

During the Moon's conjunct Jupiter, you feel in tune with the cosmic force, which shows you that all is well in your world. Your relationships with friends, family, and romantic partners are rare; you feel love and are quite capable of giving it, as well.


The day has you feeling generally good about everything, which is a huge statement. Imagine feeling as though you're lucky enough to love life and live it to the fullest. Well, that's you, Sagittarius, and, you'll merge with that idea.

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4. Capricorn

capricorn zodiac signs encounter good luck august 27, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva


If you feel as though your encounter with good luck on this day, August 27, is something you expected, then all the better, Capricorn. What's going on during this time in your astrological charts is that you are thinking out of the box, which helps you with your close relationships.

So, your good luck may be something that comes to you as a result of the hard work you've put in toward doing the right thing by a certain person in your life, but you'll get a booster from Moon conjunct Jupiter to show you that this is meant to be. If you and your partner are getting along just a bit better, then bingo. You won.

You love days like this, too, as you feel worthy of the universal luck that befalls you. You are one to take advantage of your situation and make what you have even better. You are progressive and advanced and see things like luck as tools to improve life. This extends to your partner as well.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
