Struggle Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On August 27, 2024

We get to feel good about the present, knowing we're not going to make that mistake again.

Struggle Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On August 27, 2024 lawcain from Getty Images, Shen Stock, Petar Chernaev from Getty Images Signature | Canva Pro

Whether the struggle has to do with love or familial relations, we'll see that on Tuesday, August 27, that struggle will officially be over. Done and over with, and oh, how grateful we shall be to see it finally finished. Astrologically, we're taking full advantage of the transit Venus trine Uranus to get us to the other side of the struggle.

This transit shows us that love does save the day. And the struggle we've been dealing with needed to end. We couldn't keep this going forever, even if our egos wanted to go, go, go. Three zodiac signs will find a way to make peace with the parties we've been at odds with.

@yourtango The planet Jupiter, known for bringing luck and abundance, spends time in these two signs throughout 2024. #zodiac #astrology #horoscope #emeraldyear #luck ♬ original sound - YourTango

This is personal but also character-building; getting over our struggle in a certain relationship helps us understand ourselves better. During Venus trine Uranus, we not only get to end the struggle but also feel good about the present, knowing we won't make that mistake again.


The struggle ends for three zodiac signs on August 27, 2024

1. Aries

aries struggle ends zodiac signs august 27, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images

You are a very proud person, and that makes sense, as you've accomplished more than the average person. You have a right to feel proud, and you may also feel as though the things you are proud of are starting to feel burdensome. Hmm, that's a plot twist.

What's going on here is that during the transit of Venus trine Uranus, you'll want to escape the clutches of pride simply because you no longer want to be associated with past conquests. This is literally a struggle for you, as so many people link you to that one thing you did in the past.


While it might be a good thing (and it is), it's also something you're way over. You're bored with constantly being compared to the person you used to be, which is a real struggle for you, Aries. Because of Venus trine Uranus, you can start separating yourself from the image you created of yourself in the past.

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2. Taurus

taurus struggle ends zodiac signs august 27, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images


You have struggled with letting go of this particular person. While it already appears that you've broken up or let go of them, the truth is that your heart still feels attachment, and you don't like it. It causes you pain, and that's counterproductive to all you stand for right now.

During Venus trine Uranus, you'll realize that while it's noble to feel this kind of love for someone who is no longer in your life, it's more like pain than nobility. This person is no longer a part of your life, and you've been grappling with feelings of guilt because of them. The truth is, you struggle with calling the break-up real.

It is real, Taurus, and during Venus trine Uranus, you'll understand that this ship sailed already. You spent your time with this person, and now it's over. You'll own that on August 27. It's OK. There could be no other way, and now, it's time to get past the struggle and move on.

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3. Aquarius

aquarius struggle ends zodiac signs august 27, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images

Someone in your life isn't responding to you the way you had wished they would, and it bothers you greatly. You might have had it in your mind that this person was going to go along with your plans, and yet, they seem to have something altogether different in mind...and it doesn't include you.

This is the kind of struggle you didn't ask for, but then again, who asks for struggles? What's going on is that you've been brought into the spotlight by Venus trine Uranus, which works on showing you that, although you are amazing and original, not everyone wants to be a part of your dream scenario.


This is, however, a struggle you will get past, as you aren't the kind of person who wishes to stick around for rejection. OK, so the person you wanted in your life isn't coming around that easily. Does that mean it's over? In your mind, no way. You'll see this through all the way to the bitter end.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
