3 Zodiac Signs Rise Above Challenges On August 27, 2024

A tough day that you can rise above.

 3 Zodiac Signs Rise Above Challenges On August 27, 2024 lawcain from Getty Images, sparklestroke, Los Muertos Crew from Pexels | Canva Pro

If we've got a challenge to rise above on August 27, then there's a good chance we're involved somehow with the powers of Moon square Saturn. Astrology tells us that during a transit as powerful as this one, we will need to mind what we're doing; it won't be all that easy on this day though, that's the whole point.

Being that three zodiac signs will accept the day's challenges and proceed is a testimony of strength and resolve. The zodiac signs that rise above this day's challenge will not only show the world that they are worthy of greatness, but we will also show ourselves this.


To overcome a challenge, rise above difficulty, or get through a situation that seems more than we asked for is noble; we can look back at this challenge with confidence and a little pride in our hearts. For these three zodiac signs, it's just another day in a world filled with challenges and hurdles.


Three zodiac signs rise above challenges on August 27, 2024.

1. Taurus

taurus zodiac signs rise above challenges august 27, 2024 Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro

Something has been dragging you down for what feels like months, Taurus, and even though you've tried to shake it off, you haven't been successful as of yet, simply because the truth is your heart wasn't into it. Now, you're in a different place, and your mind is set on overcoming the challenge.

You knew all along that one day you'd have to whip this challenge and get it out of the way, and while you weren't sure when it was to take place, you'll get the distinct feeling that August 27 is the day you knock that challenge off your to-do list.


What you're looking at, astrologically, is the transit of Moon square Saturn, and this shows you exactly what you've been doing wrong, or rather...what you have not been doing at all. Tuesday brings you the opportunity to see this challenge for what it is and nothing more, and that, in itself, is what pushes you to rise above it.

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2. Capricorn

capricorn zodiac signs rise above challenges august 27, 2024 Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro


Something is finally coming to a close. You've been working very hard on something, and this could range from a love affair to a project at work; all that's known is that there's this one hurdle that you haven't been able to leap over, and it's bugging you.

All you know is that you will rise above this challenge one way or another, but it isn't until you experience the transit, Moon square Saturn, that you finally get it into your head that this is it; this is the day you face the music and seal the deal.

If you want to know if someone loves you, you'll find out on this day, and that will help you rise above the challenge of not knowing. If you want to see if your work-related goals can be met or if they will crumble, you'll see that on this day, you can bring your project to a place of completion. Challenge? Accepted and bested.

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3. Aquarius

aquarius zodiac signs rise above challenges august 27, 2024 Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro

Can you rise above the challenge set up for you? It seems as though you've been putting something off for a long, long time, and now it's come by to bite you on the tush. You need to pay attention to something, Aquarius, and you're starting to understand that you can no longer ignore it.

This is a major challenge for you because it hits you on all the levels you want to pretend do not exist. If health is involved, it's a real-deal challenge, one that you need to take seriously and rise above.


So what if you change your life slightly to accommodate a much better lifestyle? This is your life, Aquarius, and you have to respect that body of yours. So, if you are being challenged by the idea of having to take care of yourself, then rise to the challenge and show yourself that you care enough to do something about it.

RELATED: How Each Of The Zodiac Signs Stay Healthy


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
