Hardships Come To An End For 3 Zodiac Signs On August 26, 2024

Do we want to heal, or do we want to hang on to our hardships?

Hardships Come To An End For 3 Zodiac Signs On August 26, 2024 Aisha Azeem from Abid's Images, BananaStock from Photo Images, fatdesign, temptcraft | Canva Pro

It's Monday, August 26, and while we're in Virgo season, we're still working with some very intense Gemini energy, and this particular energy is what's going to help us end something in our lives that's been causing us grief. The astrology of the day shows us that during a Half Moon in Gemini, we will be tested: do we want to heal, or do we want to hang on to our hardships?

Three zodiac signs will feel that healing Gemini vibe, and we will opt-in to bring that hardship to an end. This suggests that we have a say in the matter, and well, of course we do! We may think we are victims of circumstance, but that doesn't mean we don't get to change things if we want to.


And...we want to. This Gemini Half-Moon helps us tap into that part of ourselves that believes we are survivors. We see the glass as half full; we are optimistic about how we wish to continue living our lives. If we're to make this journey successful, we had better start right now. Let's end our personal hardship.

Hardships come to an end for three zodiac signs on August 26, 2024

1. Taurus

taurus hardships end zodiac signs august 26, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro


You knew it would come to this, meaning you had a strong feeling that whatever it was that was getting you down, sooner or later, you'd get over it, and it looks like that day is this one. You've got a Gemini Half-Moon to push you over the edge, and as weird as that sounds, it's a good thing.

It's good because you need to get moving. You've been enduring hardship for a long time, and you've always known that the length of its stay was up to you. On Monday, you make the rules, and one of them declares that you end whatever it is that's been holding you back.

You're good with this, too, Taurus. It's so much more a part of your nature to be happy and to live life in a carefree way; to be burdened by hardships just isn't your style. Yes, what you've gone through is real, but during the Gemini Half-Moon, you'll be the one to decide what stays and what goes, and it looks like hardships are on the to-do list.

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2. Sagittarius

sagittarius hardships end zodiac signs august 26, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

Anytime there's a Half Moon in your territory, you feel compelled to see things optimistically. The Gemini Half-Moon presents you with the same kind of circumstance once again. You have a choice; you could be miserable, or you could be happy.

It doesn't take long to choose this one, Sagittarius, as being happy is your birthright, and you always opt for happiness. Still, you've been through a lot and haven't quite gotten over certain things. You want to be over them, most certainly, but life comes with perfect timing.


Fortunately, the perfect timing for you falls on this day, and this is when you'll be able to make the moves to get yourself back on track if you've gone off track. You don't want to identify with your hardships. You're tired of the whole thing. This is the day you free yourself from this burden.

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3. Aquarius

aquarius hardships end zodiac signs august 26, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro


What you've started to find yourself doing is feeling sorry for yourself, and that simply won't do. Yes, you've endured much, and it hasn't all been a party; however, you tend to lump the entire life experience up into a ball of regret, disappointment, and hardship, and the truth is feeling this way is worse than the actual experience.

You get it into your head that, yeah, sure, you've seen some hard times, but heck, you can't just pretend your whole life has been hard...it hasn't! You've had more luck than many people you know, and the cool part about having a Gemini Half Moon as your main influence is that it pushes you over... onto the happy side of the equation.

So, this day has you looking back on the way you used to perceive your life, knowing that the majority of the hardship you experienced was you making it worse for yourself. This is a great day to start again, and Aquarius, you might find that if you follow through on an inspired idea, you could kickstart with more positive energy than you could even imagine.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
