3 Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After Venus Squares Mars On August 22, 2024

We've got a wish in mind and we're not abandoning it.

Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After Venus Squares Mars On August 22, 2024 bebuntoon, canvasae, doodlerco, MD.REZUAL KARIM, klyots from Getty Images | Canva Pro

Wishes come true for three zodiac signs on Thursday, August 22. Thanks to the energy of Venus, the planet of attraction, squaring Mars, the planet of action, if we are determined and adamant about making things happen, we will be happily rewarded.

Because Venus square Mars is so strong (or should we say pushy), we can know that whatever it is that we want now, we'll more than likely be getting it because we just won't give up. We've got a wish in mind, and we're not abandoning it. Three zodiac signs will see this through to the end.


Determination is really what this day is all about, and we can apply it to any number of situations, though it's likely to fall under the category of love in the case of these three zodiac signs when the topic is 'wishes come true.' Having said that, we now know that if we wish for love, we will see love take place for us.

Wishes come true for three zodiac signs on August 22, 2024.

1. Aries

Aries Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After Venus Squares Mars On August 22, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva


Pushy is a word you are used to, as it's part of what makes things happen for you. You might think of yourself as pushy, per se, but as an Aries, it's sort of a birthright for you. Then again, someone has to be the pushy one as we've seen that it takes nerve to set things in order, and you are one to make that happen.

On Thursday, August 22, you'll be the one who gets things done, and so much of what you want done is part of what constitutes your personal dream come true. There's something you want, and you are also desperate to make it real, which leaves you only one option: make it so.

And because you are supported by the astrological transit, Venus square Mars, you get what you want on this day, and if it has something to do with love, then count yourself amongst the lucky. You know where you're going with this and you are fortunate enough to see it all play out for you on August 22. Nice going, Aries.

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2. Gemini

Gemini Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After Venus Squares Mars On August 22, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

You want very little, but what you do want, you want very badly, and you might even say that you've been trying to make this particular dream come true for a long time. You get to have your cake and eat it, too, making you exceptionally happy, Gemini.

Just because things didn't work out for you in this capacity before doesn't mean they won't this time. You needed the right timing, and it seems you have the right timing and the right attitude now. You needed both to make this dream come true, and it is.


And so, you can prepare for good news on this day, Gemini, as you are finally merging with the universal timing. It will be during Venus square Mars that you can come through for yourself; your love got you here, and now it's up to you to live up to your own expectations. Can you do it? Of course, you can!

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3. Capricorn

Capricorn Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After Venus Squares Mars On August 22, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva


You might not have guessed that your wishes are about to come true, especially on this particular day. Yet, if you stand back and witness things take place, Capricorn, you'll find that this day is really working out for you. It just so happens that wishes do come true for you.

If your wish has something to do with love, or rather, getting along with your romantic partner in a way that doesn't feel forced, then you might see some real luck take place during the transit of Venus square Mars. While Mars energy comes on strong, when squared with Venus in a Capricorn chart, the results as sweet, soft, and kind.

So, it does seem as though you'll see a wish come true on this day, and because it takes you by surprise, you'll feel humbled by the whole process. This is good; it's best to just smile and accept the good news. The days of doubting something into the ground are now over. It's all good, Capricorn.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
