What The Universe Will Provide For Each Zodiac Sign By August 18, 2024

A reminder to take things one day at a time as we continue to navigate the surprises.

 What The Universe Will Provide For Each Zodiac Sign By August 18, 2024 Alussa Babasa from Sketchify, Sewupari Studio, Don White - Art Dreamer from Getty Images | Canva Pro

The week opens with the Moon in Scorpio, which can allow us to be productive during the intense Jupiter and Saturn square. On the 14th, Mercury re-enters Leo, pushing the collective to review topics from a few weeks ago. When the Moon enters Sagittarius, we can all utilize the themes of optimism so that we will not be discouraged when things do not work in our favor. 

The Capricorn and Aquarius Moons will magnify our experiences and lessons from the 15th through the 18th. If you feel stuck, journaling can allow you to interact with your goals and help you build some structure. With Mercury retrograde, Saturn and Jupiter square, and Mars in Gemini, we can all feel scattered. A reminder to take things one day at a time as we continue to navigate the surprises.


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Here's what the universe will provide to each zodiac sign before August 18, 2024.

Aries: Change

aries weekly manifestation august 12-18, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro


Handling the pressure this week could result in understanding how to tame your words and being more willing to listen to others who are giving you supportive advice. The energy now focuses on your learning and creating a more disciplined routine to keep you energized and not feel too burnt out. Venus in Virgo will allow you to start falling in love with your schedules, so make sure to stay persistent and not lose sight of your goals.

Journal Prompt: How will you make your routines more welcoming this week? Are you stopping yourself from accomplishing more? Are you receptive to advice from others?

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Taurus: Solid foundations

taurus weekly manifestation august 12-18, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro


With the transits this week, focusing on how you can plan while applying more care to the work you do can be something that can catapult your goals. Utilize this retrograde energy to develop a much-needed blueprint to help your schooling or career in the long run. 

Although the energy now can feel restrictive or you may feel that you aren’t seeing progress, you will be reminded that patience is a virtue during this period. Allow your dreams to lead you to your destination.

Journal Prompt: What do you desire to accomplish in the next several months? How imaginative are you feeling? Are you putting your thoughts on paper?

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Gemini: Better relationships

gemini weekly manifestation august 12-18, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

You are still transforming your relationships, and the week will push you to compromise and listen to others. You can surprise yourself by seeing what you can accomplish in a team and not on your own. Mercury is currently retrograde, which will help you review and analyze your next steps. 

As a mutable sign, being more open to redoing and evolving your work will be a good way to gain some wisdom during these changes. It is also a fruitful time to connect with your emotions, especially if the transits can feel baffling and discouraging.


Journal prompt: Has there been anything you had to redo during this period? Are you focusing on your emotional well-being?

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Cancer: Personal growth

cancer weekly manifestation august 12-18, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro


Looking towards your experiences can help you shape the path you want to take for yourself. The transformative energy can seem frustrating, but do not lose sight of your goals. After all, Saturn in Pisces boosts you as you continue to grow. 

As Saturn and Jupiter continue to impart lessons for several weeks, you may see how you need to give yourself time and space to catch up and recharge. It can feel tempting to go full force and work as much as possible, but make time for yourself this week.

Journal Prompt: What are the hobbies you have focused on so far? How do you feel when you can express yourself through art? Discuss your creative process.

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Leo: New beginnings

leo weekly manifestation august 12-18, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

Now that your season is coming to a close and Mercury is back in your sign, it can be a period of analysis. New chapters commenced with the New Moon in your sign a few weeks ago; this also integrates with your romantic relationship. 

The Moon in Sagittarius during the middle of the week can spark a positive shift in your relationships because you will be more willing to compromise as long as Mars in Gemini doesn’t let you get too carried away. If you are single, this period can show you how you have grown and matured, which will reflect on the types of relationships you want to have in the future.


Journal Prompt: Discuss the types of relationships you want to attract. What have you learned from friends during this year? Are you balancing your home and personal life?

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Virgo: Thoughtful friendships

virgo weekly manifestation august 12-18, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro


Creating a sturdy foundation this week can help you tap into your energy, especially with the Moon in Sagittarius, bringing you some references to the past that can help you evolve in the present. You are piecing together your goals during this retrograde, and although it may feel like a stagnant period, all of your efforts now will be worth it. 

The transits will have you engaged with being in tune with the power you hold, so use the lessons of the Sagittarius Moon and be more optimistic about your journey.

Journal Prompt: Discuss the things that bring you the most joy. Are you spending more time with friends or family or are you opting to be the lone wolf? How will you be more social when the Sun enters your sign next week?

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Libra: New horizons

libra weekly manifestation august 12-18, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

Refreshing your knowledge and understanding can be manifestations of this week’s energy. Mercury retrograde can help you discover a lot about the direction you want to take since it can be a period where you may feel more connected to your thought process. 

As Saturn and Jupiter continue to provide the collective with discernment, you can feel like you are making groundbreaking moves this week since you may opt to take things one step at a time. You are embracing the potential to perfect your work and establish something to help lift others.


Journal prompt: How have you been there for others during the last month? Are you recharging and giving yourself breaks when needed?

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Scorpio: Dreams

scorpio weekly manifestation august 12-18, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro


Thinking outside the box can be something you ponder this week since Mercury can inspire you now to connect with your imaginative side and create wonders. During this time, you may prioritize your creative projects and feel much more inspired by those around you. 

Mercury’s impact can bring intensity to your relationships and friendships due to the changes that it can bring. Nevertheless, the time now is centered on your growth and how your thought process has changed. Connecting with others will allow you to dig deep and relearn things about yourself.

Journal Prompt: How have your relationships evolved during this time? Have you made new friends? Is there someone from the past you may want to reconnect with?

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Sagittarius: Awareness

sagittarius weekly manifestation august 12-18, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

It can feel rough now to find your pace and believe in yourself. But with the Moon in your sign early in the week, it can feel like a revelation and medicinal. A mindset change will be fruitful for you during these tense transits because it will allow you to stay on course. 

Mutable signs are all encouraged to hold tightly to their goals because you all have the tools needed to thrive. Meditation can work wonders for you since it may help clear your thoughts and be more grounded.


Journal Prompt: What are ways you release stress? Are you planning out your journey during this time? What have you learned when things did not work in your favor?

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Capricorn: A victory

capricorn weekly manifestation august 12-18, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro


Being more willing to make edits to your changing plans this week will prove to be beneficial as Saturn and Jupiter may have you reconsider your game plan. But don’t make any drastic changes this week, instead, analyze what needs to be done and research if you need to. 

Ask for advice if you need clarity from people you trust. Your ego and pride may be challenged, but it is a time to learn from your mistakes and seek help from mentors and teachers. It is ok to do things again and learn from your mistakes.

Journal Prompt: What has traveling taught you this year? Is there somewhere you would like to go in the next six months? What have you learned from past mistakes?


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Aquarius: Patience

aquarius weekly manifestation august 12-18, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

Enjoying your pacing and time can be a good shift for you this week. Everyone is managing their work differently and these mutable transits are showing us how important it is to adapt to the changes and be more centered and focused on our goals. 


We are being tested to hold on to what we believe and you are a sign that understands the importance of hard work and patience since you are resilient and a warrior. The changes now will show you how to incorporate what you love to feel joy during these times.

Journal Prompt: Discuss the progress you have made in the last six months. As Leo season comes to a close, what have you learned about your relationships in the last 4 weeks?

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Pisces: Opportunities

pisces weekly manifestation august 12-18, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro


Getting more optimistic could be the cure for the week as these transits continue to bring you more obstacles. Nevertheless, you know your learning experiences thus far have equipped you for the pending surprises. The Moon in Sagittarius during the middle of the week highlights your potential and power

Nurture and care for your goals. As Venus and Mercury continue to bring some perceptiveness and emotional intelligence to your relationship house, Saturn and Jupiter will continue to help you evolve. Trying to stay on course with your pending work and setting practical goals will surely help you be victorious.

Journal Prompt: Discuss what makes you an excellent problem solver. Or how would you like to improve these skills? Discuss the times when your inner warrior radiated. Are you feeling like a warrior now?

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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.