3 Zodiac Signs Will Have Very Lucky Horoscopes From August 26 - September 1, 2024

Trust in the divine timing of miracles.

3 Zodiac Signs Will Have Very Lucky Horoscopes From August 26 - September 1, 2024 domkadigitaldesign, Eunavia studio | Canva Pro

 In every moment, the universe is always working in your favor, even if you may not always be aware of it. By trying to embrace the moment you are in but never giving up hope on your dreams, you can trust when those lucky second chances finally arrive. This is because what is meant for you is always destined for you. 

You can’t ruin it, no matter how hard it seems you might try, and so by leaning into the process and trying to continue to grow and become better — you can manifest all of your dreams, even if they occur in the universe’s time instead of your own.


The week of August 26 will feel lighter because Mercury is now direct in Leo, as of Wednesday, August 28, helping you to feel more confident in moving ahead — and being able to take steps to do so. The review period is over, so as you move through this week, it’s more about taking what you’ve learned and believing in luck when it finally arrives. 

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There is no space to doubt an opportunity that seems too good to be true or even that it is more than what you had dreamed of because this energy is all about building upon the work you’ve been doing on your inner self so that you can seize this chance for manifestation and abundance. 

Try to recognize that while everything had to happen the way it did, it doesn’t mean that you’ve ever ruined your fate so that when that divine miracle occurs in your life, you will know you are worthy of all the luck the universe has in store.

Three zodiac signs with very lucky horoscopes from August 26 - September 1, 2024.

1. Aquarius

aquarius weekly lucky love horoscopes august 26-september 1, 2024 Twemoji | Canva


You can have everything you’ve always wanted, Aquarius; you can’t lose hope. You’ve had a busy phase in your life recently as you’ve seen job changes and shifts in your personal life — but all of that has just been preparing you for this lucky and exciting part of your journey. On Thursday, August 29, Venus, the planet of love, wealth, and real estate, will shift into Libra, lighting up your house of luck. 

This is an auspicious and divine time for you. You could see more opportunities arise and are more throw caution to the wind and try something new. Embrace themes of adventure and excitement in your life. Allow yourself to listen more deeply to your intuition rather than trying to fit into any box. The more you listen to that inner voice, the more luck you will inevitably tap into.

Venus in Libra signifies a time when you might be moving or traveling. But this may also bring in a chance to take a romantic holiday with the one you love so that you can feel more confident and secure with all the recent shifts that have occurred. 

The goal with Venus in Libra is to consciously try to embrace a mindset of abundance, which also means you cannot fail in anything you do. Ask for that promotion, start your own business, or even let yourself fall in love with life. The more you realize you can manifest whatever you wish, the more you will enjoy the miracle life is.


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2. Taurus

taurus weekly lucky love horoscopes august 26-september 1, 2024 Twemoji | Canva

It can take you a long time to genuinely feel comfortable with change, Taurus, and that is OK. As an earth sign, it’s not that you can’t shift directions, but you need to plan as much as possible and even feel secure in what feels new or unknown. While you may have felt rushed by others in this process, you have stayed true to yourself and realized that there’s nothing wrong with embracing the slower process of change — after all, in doing so, you also are more likely to get it right. 


But, because this process has been taking such small steps, it felt like you had missed out on a monumental opportunity meant for you. Take heart, though, dear Taurus, because this chance for a different and much more abundant life will return significantly as retrograde Pluto shifts back into Capricorn on Sunday, September 1.

Note the period between September 1 and October 11, as this will be when you receive a second chance or offer you were too hesitant to take. This opportunity will involve greater luck, but it will also change how and where you work, even indicating a career shift and embracing the lifestyle of a digital nomad. 

You’ve slowly tried to change your life and had some regret over this chance that wasn’t taken. It’s essential to know that once Pluto stations direct in Capricorn from October 11 to November 19, you can change the course of your life. Whatever you do, say yes and embrace the miracle of realizing you really are exactly where you are meant to be.

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3. Libra

libra weekly lucky love horoscopes august 26-september 1, 2024 Twemoji | Canva

Take some time to yourself, sweet Libra, and return to the dreams you had for what you’ve always wanted your life to be. At the same time, you are being edged out of your shell by Jupiter in Gemini. 

The Last Quarter Moon in this air sign on Monday, August 26, may just be what is needed to finally let go of all those excuses and fears holding you back. Venus will also be entering your zodiac sign of Libra on Thursday, August 29, so you should have greater confidence and self-love — which may allow you to book that ticket to a new life.


You have reached a crucial point in your life, Libra, where you are being shown the way forward into abundance, luck, and even beautiful new experiences — yet to get it, you let go of what is in your life currently. Just because a situation, career, or even relationship feels comfortable doesn’t mean it’s meant to be a part of your life. While taking a risk or making an unpopular decision can be challenging, you don’t want to waste this opportunity simply staying where you are. 

You dream of more for yourself, but you’re also starting to realize you may want to accomplish a big move as part of that — even to an international location. This idea of relocating is also tied to what you can achieve once settled there. 

The crucial reminder during this time is that your intuition is not wrong, Libra, but you must choose not to be so scared to release many aspects of your current situation. When you can finally trust in your own heart, you’ll be able to be grateful that you never gave up on being the miracle you have always wished for.


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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
