5 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Significantly Improve In September 2024
Transformation is the path to a lifelong love.

September 2024 is a month of transformation, and five zodiac signs will see their relationships improve by month's end.
The month begins as Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus on Sunday, September 1. Uranus creates surprise events and moments of awakening in your external life, but when it stations retrograde, it allows you to process recent events so that you can consciously choose to change rather than it just happening to you.
There is also an incredibly divine occurrence in September when you will receive a preview of what the next two years will bring as the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Pisces lights up your life on Tuesday, September 17. Although the eclipse cycle of Aries and Libra is ongoing until May 2025, this is a sneak preview event that will allow you to see what is coming in, and what to expect a major theme to be in your life.
While you are focused on forward momentum and change, there is also an opportunity for second chances as Mercury enters Virgo on Monday, September 9. This will be your chance to be more open to change, embrace your inner awareness, and use that to revisit themes in your relationship that can help you improve your overall connection.
5 zodiac signs whose relationships significantly improve in September 2024
1. Scorpio
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You can’t always stick to your plans, Scorpio, especially as you may miss out on new romantic opportunities or chances to really grow in your current relationship. There have been a lot of recent changes in your romantic life as you’ve embraced inner growth and what really determines the best versus some of that inner child wounding.
But during this time, as you’ve been experimenting with growth and approaching love with a new lens of clarity, you’ve become a bit rigid. This occurs when you are learning what balance means, and in growth, it’s as if your inner pendulum swings. Yet true healing is being able to find a balance between both.
Try to embrace flexibility and realize that you don’t need to cling too tightly to plans or romantic ideals to approch love more healthily. When you can feel confident within yourself and trust what comes, you are also in a better position to truly start manifesting more of your romantic dreams.
On Sunday, September 1, Uranus will station retrograde in Taurus, highlighting a processing time. This period in your life is about not only understanding more of what has occurred but also being able to find a deeper sense of balance within yourself. Uranus can bring shocking realizations, even when retrograde, so it’s important to remain open and flexible during this time. But it also means that even if love doesn’t fit into your plan for the end of 2024, you may want to realize that some plans are indeed meant to be broken.
2. Capricorn
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When you can invest in your romantic life in the way you do your career, Capricorn, there isn’t anything that you can’t accomplish. As much as you are always aware of building a balance between your personal and professional lives, you often prefer the obvious rewards associated with your career. But love can bring rewards too — you just need to make sure you ibvest in your relationship with the same determination and consistency.
Try to make your relationship more of a priority in September 2024, especially as Mars shifts into Cancer on Wednesday, September 4. Mars rules over themes around ambition, determination, and desire, and in Cancer, it centers on your relationship with your partner and love in general. This is not the time to simply hope your partner will be there once you’re done with a particular project at work, but in realizing if you want to experience romantic success, you may need to start treating it with more importance.
Mars in Cancer will help make you a better partner Capricorn, which in turn will also help you improve your relationship. In truth, there hasn’t actually been anything genuinely wrong in your romantic life, but it does seem you’ve been preoccupied with other factors, including work. Just like your career success doesn’t just happen on its own, neither does what you achieve in your relationship. While you may have to reflect on how investing in your love life differs from your career, you should hopefully be able to see that what you put in will always determine what you end up receiving.
3. Virgo
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You have been focusing on doing a lot of the work to build a secure relationship, dear Virgo, but in September 2024, you’re about to see how that will affect the next few years of your life. This is an exciting time for you because while you’ve been building the foundation for a long-term relationship, you’re now going to start being able to enjoy more of the benefits.
On Tuesday, September 17, the Full Moon in Pisces and partial Lunar Eclipse will occur in your house of relationships. This will bring the North Node, ruler of your fate, in direct alignment with your romantic house, so as long as you’ve been embracing this period of growth, you will see some lucky events around this time that help to improve your connection and perspective on love.
Although the North Node won’t officially be in Pisces until 2025, this is your chance to understand what themes to pay attention to, especially while Saturn is still in this same water sign. As much as it may have been challenging at times to do the work to create a healthy and dynamic relationship, you still start to feel that payoff and catch a glimpse of love not feeling as hard as it has recently.
As you approach the Pisces eclipse and Full Moon, try to take time to honor the effect Mercury retrograde had on you in August, as it would have brought up opportunities for inner growth. As much as you can work externally to create compromise and progress a relationship, truly manifesting a relationship that will last forever always comes as a direct result of how much you are willing to look at yourself and your actions. By getting a head start on it, you should also feel more confident in the direction your relationship is heading.
4. Aries
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You can either keep wishing for what you want, Aries, or you can go out and create it for yourself. There have been a lot of shifts in your romantic life, especially with the current Aries and Libra eclipse cycle which has revealed wounds and even karmic patterns that have gone into your past relationships. But on the plus side, you’ve also been more open to growing, healing, and changing your way of approaching love so that you can create a new chapter in your romantic life.
To say this has been a lot is putting it mildly, so it’s understandable why you may be hesitant to go all in on a new love or take a risk of greater commitment, yet this step is one you are ready for. As Libra season begins on Sunday, September 22, followed by Mercury’s shift into Libra on Thursday, September 26, all thoughts and actions will be on moving ahead in your romantic life. Try to build up your courage and readiness before the Libra energy starts filtering in because this is the start of the newness that you’ve been hoping for — you just need to trust yourself a bit more to take advantage of it.
Libra energy will always bring up themes of romance and love, and while a dramatic event is set to take place in October, September is all about beginning to take small steps forward that will bring confirmation for the period of growth that you’ve been enmeshed within.
If you are single, and have your eye on someone in particular, this is your chance to reach out, state your intentions, and even invite them out for an evening they’ll never forget. But if you’re in an existing relationship, then you need to create space for some honest conversations about all you’ve learned, and how that affects what you need from your romantic connection. By being very mindful that your words and actions are in alignment this month, you will be able to improve any romantic connection, because you’re finally in the place to let your person know just how much they mean to you and your future plans.
5. Pisces
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva
Pay attention to the stories that you tell yourself, dear Pisces, as these words can make or break a romantic relationship. You will have an opportunity for a second chance in your romantic life, more than likely centering around a new beginning of a relationship or a new stage within an existing one. This is due to Mercury re-entering Virgo on Monday, September 9, after its retrograde journey is complete. During this time, events and conversations from the end of July and early August will likely resurface, but you will have greater clarity about their purpose and meaning and make a decision you feel genuinely confident about.
This is all good news for your romantic life as you are being urged to actually take a risk and let yourself fall in love again, knowing it is guaranteed to change everything. While this can be intimidating at times, remember that you also have the power to design the life of your dreams. There is no cookie-cutter mold you must follow when it comes to love, and while you still might have to mourn certain life changes, you also have the ability to design what really aligns with your needs.
As much as everything will feel more positive with an even deeper bond growing between you and your partner, you should be mindful of the energy around the partial Eclipse and Full Moon in your sign of Pisces. Having the North Node in your sign brings success, recognition, and rewards for past choices. However, it can also make you feel so independent that you take on the perspective that you don’t really need anyone. This is a trauma response from past relationships when you’ve been let down or had to become hyper-independent, so while it might surface, just remember that you don’t need to believe everything you think.
Humans in general need one another — our entire society is built around people fulfilling one another’s needs. Being mindful of your inner story will help you not only grow closer with your partner this month but also prevent you from sabotaging the kind of love that you’ve always wanted.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.