4 Zodiac Signs Receive Signs From The Universe On August 18, 2024

We can interpret the subtleties around us, and we believe that these little messages have meaning.

Zodiac Signs Receive Signs From The Universe On August 18, 2024 Davidluu, OzricsCartoons, Sergey Nivens | Canva Pro

It's a brand new Sunday, and we're feeling ready for whatever comes our way. We are open and receptive, and our astrology for the day shows us that there's so much Mercury energy in the air that we just know we're about to receive some kind of 'sign' from the universe, guiding us to our next big move. We just feel it.

And that's why we can pick up on this 'sign,' that is. What stands out is the transit of Sun conjunct Mercury, which puts four zodiac signs in a very sensitive position; we can interpret the subtleties around us and believe these little messages have meaning. We think, therefore, we are, and four zodiac signs will pick up on the universe's signs.


Four zodiac signs receive signs from the universe On August 18, 2024
1. Cancer

Cancer Zodiac Signs Receive Signs From The Universe On August 18, 2024 KT Paper Designs, Olha ZS and Tais Bernabé | Canva

If you've been wondering what's going on in your life, especially when it comes to friends, then you may find that the universe may offer you some guidance on the topic. Because you've got the clarifying transit of Sun conjunct Mercury, you'll receive a sign that lets you know the who, why, and how of it all.


Because this is a Mercury transit, you can deal with communication. This could imply that you and a friend, or friends, have gotten into some kind of disagreement that was never resolved. What you'll see happening on this date is a way to resolve the mystery.

During Sun conjunct Mercury, you also see it as a positive thing. There's no dread involved, and the universe is trying to tell you through signs and signals that it's time to speak up, get back together, and work it out with whoever you're presently at odds with.

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2. Virgo

Virgo Zodiac Signs Receive Signs From The Universe On August 18, 2024 KT Paper Designs, Olha ZS and Tais Bernabé | Canva


You can't fool the people who know you best, Virgo, and so when you try to on August 18, don't be surprised if one of those people straight up tells you that you're not being sensible. This is how the universe gives you a sign, which will be obvious and blunt.

You've been kidding yourself about something related to your health. You feel as though if you convince those around you that you know what you're doing, they'll all play along, but the kicker is that everyone has seen you do this before, and nobody is pleased with it.

And while your health is none of anyone's business, the universe is working to get this sign through to you, and it's telling you that you're the only one who believes your story and that you really and truly have to start getting real when it comes to your own body and health, Virgo. Time to wake up.

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3. Sagittarius

Sagittarius Zodiac Signs Receive Signs From The Universe On August 18, 2024 KT Paper Designs, Olha ZS and Tais Bernabé | Canva

While you would always prefer to do things your way, all the time, every time you'll see that, you really can't have it your way. That's nothing to dread, however, as this is the universe giving you a sign. You won't be able to walk away from the truth that stares you down.

You need to accept this truth and think of as 'good for you.' While you have a handle on your own life, you are also a bit smug when it comes to changing for the sake of someone else. This has caused difficulties in your relationship, which may just be the sign that changes things for you.


Do yourself a favor, Sagittarius, and just give it a chance. If the universe tells you that 'this works' and 'that doesn't,' then just go with it as a test. Who knows, you might end up happy and loving life, so it's all worth a gamble. It's OK to bend. It's OK to adapt to change.

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4. Capricorn

Capricorn Zodiac Signs Receive Signs From The Universe On August 18, 2024 KT Paper Designs, Olha ZS and Tais Bernabé | Canva


During the transit, Sun conjunct Mercury, you'll feel particularly happy during the day, and so much of it will result from something you happen to overhear. This is your sign from the universe, and all it takes is one little sentence from the mouth of another.

You didn't mean to overhear, but now that you have, it shifts your perspective on something that means a lot to you. Knowing this person just accidentally said what they said makes you giggle; you love it and feel as though you were meant to 'overhear' it.

It seems as though this Sunday was cut out for you to be in the right place at the right time to catch that tidbit of info, but that's how the universe works. When it wants you to pick up on something, it delivers you to the right position for receiving. Nice work, universe!


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.  
