3 Zodiac Signs Overcome The Past & Heal From Heartache On August 17, 2024

Yes, indeed, we are past it.

Zodiac Signs Overcome The Past & Heal From Heartache On August 17, 2024 Nikiko from Pixabay, pixelshot | Canva Pro

On August 17, three zodiac signs will finally get over their past heartache and heal. Yep, that's right; the astrology of the day shows us that when Moon conjunct Pluto is in town, very few of us get to stay in a place of struggle. This is the day we recognize that, yes, indeed, we are past it. After all, time heals all wounds. 

On Saturday, we get to the other side of it and it feels heavenly. We may not notice at first, but there's a sensation of lightness around us. During the Moon's conjunction with Pluto, we give in to change and allow ourselves to accept that things will be different from now on. It's time for this fresh new transformation to take place.


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Three zodiac signs overcome their past and heal from heartache on August 17, 2024.

1. Taurus

taurus daily rough august 17, 2024 Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro


Don't get you started! You feel as though you're the living example of emotional luggage that's been schlepped around for ages, unnecessarily. It's enough, and even you find it to be a pain in the butt. Do you have troubles? Sure, but are they worthy of being celebrated for a lifetime? Oh no.

You will find yourself at the place where you call it quits on the past, and all it entails. You are at that 'enough is enough' point, and during Moon conjunct Pluto, you make it work. Enough is enough; you're not playing around anymore. You want a future.

You want to be happy already, and you feel as though you deserve to be, as you are making great strides to rid yourself of things like self-doubt or attachment to things that no longer exist. You'll get through this one like a pro, Taurus. Everything that happened 'had to be,' but that doesn't mean it has to last forever.

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2. Scorpio

scorpio daily rough august 17, 2024 Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro

If you get right down to it, the thing that holds you back the most is a memory, a thing of the past, and there's nothing you can do in the present to make it come back, so why bother? What you'll find taking place during the transit of Moon conjunct Pluto is that you are, quite frankly, over it.

You've carried around the ghost of an old love in your mind, and all this ghost ever does is rattle around like a painful memory. This person and you haven't seen each other in years — there is no reason for you to continuously bring them up. And then, it snaps; the reason to let go is here, and you are aided by the transit Moon conjunct Pluto.


What this cosmos does for you on this day is that it sets you on a new course, away from pain, heartache, and whatever attachment you have to the past. You are now on a mission to overcome the past, and you will do it successfully, Scorpio. Have faith in the process; it's going to work.

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3. Pisces

pisces daily rough august 17, 2024 Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro


You've held on to a certain memory for a long enough time, and while you weren't sure if this memory had an expiration date, you've come to understand that you're the one to decide whether the memory is working for you or if it's gone stale. What you'll conclude with is that it's time to move on.

You have been very involved with identifying with the past; it's like your life's work. Yet, by holding on so tightly to the past, you've found yourself in a rut, and things are painful and heartbreaking. You aren't sure why you continue to celebrate this pain, and then it hits you: you did your time. It's now the right move to let go.

Because you've got the transit of Moon conjunct Pluto working with you, you start looking forward to a future that doesn't consist of pain and heartache. Knowing that you are entitled to a good life that is filled with happy moments inspires you to go for it. And you do, Pisces.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
