3 Zodiac Signs Will Have Amazingly Good Luck From Now Through August 18, 2024
Make magic happen.

Three zodiac signs will experience good luck all week. The universe always has a peculiar way of bringing you precisely to the moment that you are meant to be in. This journey includes redirections, karmic lessons learned, the healing of wounds, and even some divine realizations over just how much you want for your life.
Yet, when you can embody all of what you have been through, you can also show up as a new version of yourself. Life is not a one-way path, as many might imagine, but a spiral in which you will constantly revisit certain themes or opportunities until you have become the person who can receive the abundance, success, or even luck that is associated with them.
The week of August 12 delivers themes of divine opportunities and transformation. You are guided to revisit certain themes in your life so that you can consciously choose the path of your fate. This energy begins on Monday, August 12, with the First Quarter Moon in Scorpio, a reminder that any new beginning will also require a transformation.
As you begin to understand the process of surrender, you can take action that the alignment of Mars and Jupiter in Gemini brings on Tuesday, August 13. Mars and Jupiter bring hugely powerful and lucky energy, but you will have to step up and actually take action — no more simply hoping for situations to occur.
Just remember, as Mercury retrograde reenters Leo on Wednesday, August 14, what you are being asked to take action on and embrace won’t necessarily be a new issue but a theme from your past. As you travel around the spiral of life, you also begin to recognize that your fate is what you choose to make of it.
Three zodiac signs are amazingly lucky from August 12 - 18, 2024.
1. Libra
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You genuinely are operating with the universe's power behind every step you take, Libra. Yet you may not know that yet or even doubt where you are in life.
Be careful about allowing your story to be more about others than yourself now, especially as you may soon experience some dramatic shifts in your life. It is never selfish to choose yourself, and in this case, by doing so, you will also be putting yourself in the position to receive the luck and abundance you desire from the universe.
As Mars joins forces with Jupiter in Gemini on Tuesday, August 13, you will feel an intense push towards the new. This is part of a larger chapter that you will be experiencing throughout Jupiter’s time in Gemini, but don’t underestimate the importance of this moment.
By Mars and Jupiter uniting, it’s almost as if you are receiving the push necessary from the universe to start making headway on your dreams and this new chapter. Try to hold space for life to be bigger, more adventurous, and even more amazing than you had previously considered.
Themes like travel, becoming a digital nomad, spirituality, and cultivating a deeper meaning for your life may all surface now. Just remember that you are meant for more than you’ve been settling with, and in this moment by choosing yourself – you will also finally attract the life that has always been destined for you.
2. Pisces
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You have an incredible new beginning arising in your life, sweet Pisces, but you need to ensure that you understand you are worthy of all you will receive. While focusing on affirmations will help you receive, you may also have to change how you approach your dreams to have more success in manifesting them.
The First Quarter Moon in Scorpio on Monday, August 12, lights up your house of luck — but to receive what will be coming into your life, you need to make sure you are willing to adjust your approach, take a risk, and believe in yourself enough so you know your dreams truly can come true.
The First Quarter Moon in Scorpio signifies a time of traveling with a purpose; even if you just think you are taking a summer holiday, you may cross paths with someone who ends up monumentally changing your life. But, more than just divine meetings, this energy inspires you to begin living the life you have felt calling to your soul.
Whether it’s changing your career, living arrangements, or even moving overseas, you need to understand the ideas given to you are divinely orchestrated to help you live more in alignment with your soul contract. You are entering an incredibly lucky phase of your life, where there is no wrong path or even negative choice; you only need to allow yourself to seize the chance to profoundly change your life.
3. Sagittarius
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Second chances are a reality, Sagittarius, even if you have tried to tell yourself otherwise. It seems that so often, to stave off regret, you tell yourself that if something doesn’t work out, it’s not meant for you. Yet this can often take away from the lessons you may need to learn or even the accountability that is a part of your soul growth. While nothing works out in a particular moment if it’s not meant to be, sometimes it’s because you are not ready for the upgrade.
The really beautiful aspect of all this is that if a particular connection or career is built into your soul contract, then this chance will return, sometimes repeatedly, until you are finally in the place to receive it. Try to be more open to what arises from your past, especially as Mercury retrograde reenters Leo on Wednesday, August 14, as you will finally receive that second chance you’ve been too afraid to hope for.
Mercury retrograde brings back past offers, opportunities, and even themes in your life so that you can change how you approach them the first time. This new energy might have you revisiting your choices over leaving your comfort zone, embracing your inner authenticity, and the greater purpose of your life.
While Mercury retrograde in Leo can lead to changing agreements, career roles, or even the direction of your life path – it’s all about being able to embody all that you have said you’ve learned. Yet when this second chance arrives, it may challenge your previous thinking that it just wasn’t meant for you.
Try to lean into any regrets you have had, embrace accountability and responsibility, and be open to seeing how you could have done better. By doing so, you will be doing the necessary work to ensure that you have become the person who not only will take this second chance – but will be able to cultivate the life you’ve always dreamed of.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.