3 Zodiac Signs Rise Above Challenges On August 12, 2024
Let's join forces and overcome whatever it is we need to in order to claim this day as our own.
With a Quarter Moon in Scorpio arriving on August 12, it's no wonder we'll rise above challenges. The astrological reading for the day shows us that Scorpio is a go-getter, and when a Quarter Moon is in this sign, we're looking at an opportunity worth taking. The Quarter Moon symbolizes a choice. We can either do it or not.
We're at the 'halfway' mark, and we can get pressed into action for three zodiac signs. Will we rise above, or will we back out? Because Scorpio is involved, we know that those of us who have the nerve to go for it.
What's required here is nerve and self-confidence. Do we have this? We shall see. We can override a challenge and get the chance to do so today. So, let's join forces and overcome whatever it is we need to claim this day as our own. Challenge accepted!
These three zodiac signs rise above challenges on August 12, 2024, and they do it well.
1. Gemini
Tais Bernabe, KT Paper Designs, Olha 25 | Canva Pro
You might not have thought that you'd be so overwhelmed by the challenges ahead of you, but you'll find that August 12 also brings you the strength to deal with it all. This is more than likely work-related, and while it may at first feel like a drag, it's doable nonetheless.
Because you've got this Half Moon in Scorpio, you're able to see the glass as half full rather than half empty, so the challenges that present themselves to you, while hard, are still things you can see yourself getting around. You aren't threatened, but you might actually enjoy this kind of challenge.
Scorpio's force brings you good fortune as well, which is exactly why you see this day as promising rather than overwhelming. Yes, there's much to do, but you aren't lazy. You are the one person who can overcome the obstacles, so you do just that. Good for you, Gemini. Winning!
2. Virgo
Tais Bernabe, KT Paper Designs, Olha 25 | Canva Pro
Challenges, shmallenges. That's how you feel at this point in your life. You're like, 'Bring 'em on.' You really don't see anything as beyond your scope of ability, and if such a challenge presents itself to you, then you'll just deal with it as you do with everything else.
You are strong, Virgo, stronger than you give yourself credit for. During a transit like a Half Moon in Scorpio, you choose to stay strong, as you really are tired of the people in your life who buckle over everything. You aren't like them; you want to do good. You want to rise to the challenge.
You are also aware that if you overcome this challenge, there will be more and more as time goes on, so why make a fuss over it today? You'll rise above, and you'll be happy to know that this is just another day in life as far as you're concerned.
3. Sagittarius
Tais Bernabe, KT Paper Designs, Olha 25 | Canva Pro
OK, so August 12 doesn't look all that easy, or at least not as easy as you expected it to be. While this may put you off at first, you'll realize that you can't look away. In other words, there's something that requires your participation, and it definitely appears to be challenging.
However, if you don't want challenges, you may take a different approach to dealing with this hefty challenge ahead. Because you're an optimist, you don't want to spend more time than you have dreading the challenge, and so you face it.
Bang, zoom, it's done. You rise above it because the idea of sinking below only means you'll have to deal with it tomorrow or the next day. So, Sagittarius, your attitude is all about getting it over and done with so that you don't have to 'greet' this challenge ever again in the future.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.