4 Zodiac Signs Are Blessed With Good Fortune On August 10, 2024

It's just as much about the journey as it is about the destination.

4 Zodiac Signs Are Blessed With Good Fortune On August 10, 2024 tania licea, filadendron from Getty Images Signature, elis setyawati | Canva Pro

On August 10, 2024, Mercury and the Moon in Scorpio harmoniously align. We're looking at fine-tuned thinking, the kind that comes up with mighty solutions. We're answering all the questions today, and the astrological readout for the day shows us that this kind of glaring insight goes to four specific zodiac signs.

What we might call 'good fortune' doesn't necessarily follow any particular pattern. One person's 'good fortune' isn't the same as another's. Yet, solving problems may very well lead to some extremely good fortune. 


So, it's an individual thing, this perception of good fortune. These four zodiac signs are just as much about the journey as they are about the destination. Saturday, August 10, is definitely going to be an interesting — and sound — day.

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Four zodiac signs are blessed with good fortune on August 10, 2024:

1. Cancer

Cancer Zodiac Signs Are Blessed With Good Fortune On August 10, 2024 margokukhar, Billion Photos, SvgCricuts | Canva Pro


Because you've got a Mercury-aligned Moon in Scorpio, this day may come to you as a shock, but that shock is going to bring with it much good fortune, and all of it is a surprise. Yes, a very pleasant one, at that, so no worries here, Cancer.

You are looking at how all of your prior work on one particular matter has now culminated in the idea that you should be rewarded for such efforts and how the universe has definitely not swept you under the rug. You will be appreciated and rewarded this Saturday, August 10. You will feel very good about it all.

Even though you know in your heart that you deserve all you get, you'll still feel a bit jolted by the idea that someone really is paying attention and making sure you get the rewards you deserve. You worked hard, so it's no surprise that it works out that way, but still, for you, Cancer, it feels pretty joyful.

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2. Scorpio

Scorpio Zodiac Signs Are Blessed With Good Fortune On August 10, 2024 margokukhar, Billion Photos, SvgCricuts | Canva Pro

It makes sense that during a Mercury-aligned Moon in Scorpio, you'd see some radical benefits, but you may not be ready for the amount of good fortune that is coming your way, and yes, this could be in the form of money. You've got luck on your side, Scorpio, and today could be a very profitable day for you.

While good fortune usually means money, it doesn't always, but for you, you aren't going to fight that one, as August 10 seems to have you pegged for the flow of money and abundance. Hey, who's complaining? Not you.


What's great about this day is that you feel gratitude for what you have and what you're about to receive. None of this is expected, or rather, something you take for granted. You feel good about your life, and because you're in a good place mentally, you seem to attract good fortune, which is always a good thing!

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3. Aquarius

Aquarius Zodiac Signs Are Blessed With Good Fortune On August 10, 2024 margokukhar, Billion Photos, SvgCricuts | Canva Pro


What is good fortune to you, a person who runs into good fortune on a daily basis? For you, this day brings you good news that you can work with, and that's probably the most fortunate thing you can think of. An opportunity that you haven't had before. You see this as the gate opener to more and more good fortune.

On August 10, you'll find that something you do puts you in the right place to receive some excellent news. Had you not done that one thing, then you wouldn't be available to hear this good news. Yet, fate has you in the right place at the right time, so get ready 'cause here it comes ...

Note that you are working with the Mercury-aligned Scorpio Moon, and you have to give credit where credit is due. This transit puts you in the right place so that this streak of good fortune can lead the way in your life. All is well in your world, Aquarius, and you are grateful for this.

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4. Pisces

Pisces Zodiac Signs Are Blessed With Good Fortune On August 10, 2024 margokukhar, Billion Photos, SvgCricuts | Canva Pro

The Mercury-influenced Scorpio Moon has you wanting more out of life. Because you've got the nerve and the confidence to back up this idea, you are able to create for yourself the way in. What that means is that you see the good fortune. You grab for it, and you are successful.

So, on Saturday, something pretty spectacular happens to you that you could only call 'great good fortune.' This may come to you in the form of a friend or loved one reaching out and asking you to join them. One thing leads to another, and before you know it, you're in the right place for a major opportunity to open up.


This opportunity is worth investigating, Pisces, as it may lead you to more of what you want out of life. So, if you've been craving excitement or something stimulating, then you can expect this day, August 10, 2024, to bring you exactly what you need.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
