3 Zodiac Signs Discover Their True Purpose On August 10, 2024

The Moon influences us and prompts us into action.

Zodiac Signs Discover Their True Purpose On August 10, 2024 Pexels, Trendify | Canva Pro

A Scorpio Moon tells us that we're on the right path. On August 10, 2024, three zodiac signs will discover their true purpose. The astrology of the day informs us of the power behind the Scorpio Moon. We see how this particular Moon influences us and prompts us into action.

While acting on and knowing one's true purpose are two separate things, we do know that because of the 'devotion' that comes with a Scorpio Moon, we who need to find and label our true purpose will not only discover it but will do something about it. So, we're looking at figuring things out and making them work for us.


That's how this Saturday pans out for the three zodiac signs mentioned here. We clearly see what we believe we are 'made' to be here for. While that sounds lofty, it's just a part of life. We need inspiration to get us where we must go, and the Scorpio Moon helps show us the way.

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These three zodiac signs discover their true purpose in life on August 10, 2024.

1. Gemini

Gemini Zodiac Signs Discover Their True Purpose On August 10, 2024 Aris Leoven from Corelens, Artulina | Canva Pro


How many years have you wondered what your true purpose is, even if there is such a thing? With that intense mind of yours, Gemini, you've likely spent a great deal of time trying to get to the bottom of that inquiry. What you've started to understand is that it's all so much simpler than you think.

On August 10, 2024, during the Scorpio Moon, your interests will sway back to the place where it all started for you. You'll see how your talents are there for a reason, and that is to make other people happy. You are able to do something great for others, and when you do it, you create joy.

It is because of the Scorpio Moon that you're able to single out this talent and understand it as your true purpose in life or, at least, one of your true purposes, as you may have several. You're a varied person of great talents and abilities, but the ones that bring joy to others are the ones that make you feel purposeful.

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2. Libra

Libra Zodiac Signs Discover Their True Purpose On August 10, 2024 Aris Leoven from Corelens, Artulina | Canva Pro

What you'll find that this day, August 10, is all about is how you break it down for yourself so that you know what is real and what is unreal. OK, what does that even mean? In your mind, Libra, a lot is going on. You want to sift through the entire catalog of your brilliant mind so that you can figure out what stays and what must go.


You are using the transit of the Scorpio Moon to clean house, and by 'house,' we mean your internal world of nonstop thoughts. You are brilliant, Libra — we all know this. You've got so much going on for you. Yet, you are clueless as to what your true purpose is.

That's how the Scorpio Moon helps you nail it down. Once you see that there are a few things that rise to the top, you can concentrate on those things and see which of those things makes you the happiest. This gives you direction and lets you work on your true purpose. You'll find your purpose, and then the world will open up for you.

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3. Scorpio

Scorpio Zodiac Signs Discover Their True Purpose On August 10, 2024 Aris Leoven from Corelens, Artulina | Canva Pro


When the Scorpio Moon enters your world, of course, it becomes a day of productivity and results. You have wondered for the longest time if you're on the right path. While all feels right, you still tend to question things, as if by doing so, you allow for the possibility of 'something else.'

On August 10, you're able to come to terms with the idea that what you feel really is your purpose in life, actually, is your purpose in life. You needn't look too far, as the structure of your life seems to work very well. You can't help but wonder, but in the end, it turns out that you already know what your true purpose is.

Because you are naturally curious, you lead yourself into situations that capture your attention and imagination. Is your true purpose found in all that? No, but perhaps curiosity itself is part of it. You are an adventurer, an explorer. Your purpose is to find out. What you find out is either meaningful or irrelevant, but it's in the journey — that's where you find the real joy of it all.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
