Transformation Awaits These 3 Zodiac Signs On August 7, 2024

We're not only open to it, we're going to make it happen.

 Transformation Awaits These 3 Zodiac Signs On August 7, 2024 Moose by Canva Pro/Mode21 via Pixabay | Canva Pro

Jupiter aligns with the Sun on August 7, meaning transformation and excitement for three zodiac signs. Astrologically, Jupiter's power to restructure our lives if we are open to it. The good part is that we're not only open to it, but we're also going to use some of the solar energy to make it happen.

By the time August rolls around, we're either too lazy to start something new or absolutely chomping at the bit to change things up. The midsummer blues may make us not want to bother or want to get it over with already.


For some of us, summer, while 'great,' is also a bit too slow. For the three zodiac signs that crave transformation and newness, Autumn can't come quickly enough. Leo, Virgo and Aquarius are susceptible to the Sun/Jupiter energy, and we will make something happen right now.

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Transformation is what's waiting for three zodiac signs on August 7, 2024.

1. Leo

Transformation Awaits Leo Zodiac Signs On August 7, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio / Canva


When the Sun aligns with Jupiter, you're not only in a good mood, but you're making great strides in certain aspects of your life. You're still in Leo season, which adds backbone to everything you do, but this Jupiter addition really kicks things into overdrive. Transformation is right around the corner, Leo.

While the rest of the crowd is lazing around and enjoying the summer, you're there thinking about your next move. You know you want major change to take place, and you want to 'wow' the crowd if you can — of course you can. You're a Leo. It's a given.

What you need now is the push, and this Jupiter/Sun transit is just the thing to start you up. It may take place on a physical level, or ... it may be mental. Something about you and this day will result in a major transformation. One thing is for sure: it will be super positive.

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2. Virgo

Transformation Awaits Virgo Zodiac Signs On August 7, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio / Canva

One thing is for sure: you can't stay like this forever. Whatever 'this' way implies, you know you need a change, and you know it's absolutely on the agenda. You can't deny that Sun-Jupiter energy as it both inspires and directs you towards positive change.

You've needed a plan of action for a while, and Jupiter's powerful push helps you discover exactly what you need to do to implement this plan. There's a good chance that it hasn't before now simply because you couldn't put a name on it. After this day, you'll know exactly what your transformation is called.


You won't be slowing down either, Virgo. That's how the Sun's energy boosts this transit and pumps you up with the kind of energy that will see you through to the goal. You can hang tight and trust in the universe on this one. What you need to change will change, and you will be the one to make it all happen successfully.

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3. Aquarius

Transformation Awaits These Aquarius Zodiac Signs On August 7, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio / Canva


The transformation you need will take shape during a particularly strong Jupiter-Sun transit. You are starting to realize that you seriously need to make a move. You've been stagnant, and you know it. Stagnation is not going to help you reach your goal.

So, essentially, Jupiter's energy will have you confronting your fear of the unknown. You'll see that to transform your current situation, you have to admit that it exists, and what you come up with is the idea that you don't move forward because you can't be sure of what's to come.

This day changes everything for you, Aquarius. It's today that you realize you need to make a move in spite of not knowing where to go with it all. It would be best if you started the machine up to create the transformation, and you get it on Wednesday. You must take that chance and get out of your comfort zone.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
