The Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On August 7, 2024

Strive for authenticity and individuality.

Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On August 7, 2024 dwiputrirats, akiyoko from Getty Images, Megan Gilbert, mimagephotography | Canva Pro

On August 7, 2024, four zodiac signs will receive what could only be called a 'special message' from the universe.

This is mainly because what we pick up on during this time is so specific and geared for us as individuals. Astrologically, we're looking at the effect of the Moon trine Uranus and how it prompts us to strive for authenticity and individuality.

This transit, Moon trine Uranus, reached into the hearts and minds of those who want change in their lives — but not the usual kind of change.


We're looking at how four zodiac signs will follow their hearts and change their lives in wholly unexpected ways. This is a day when we take up the mantle of originality, as it is a calling for many of us.


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The universe brings a special message to four zodiac signs on August 7, 2024.

1. Taurus

Universe Has A Special Message For Taurus Zodiac Signs On August 7, 2024 helga Frode, brunassaraiva | Canva Pro

Moon trine Uranus wants to get right to the point with you, Taurus. Your message of the day is to be yourself, no matter what they say. Just do your thing your way, and don't worry about the endless sea of naysayers who live to make you feel as though you're doing it all wrong.


You're not doing it all wrong; you're just not doing it 'their' way. During Moon trine Uranus, you'll find that their way is nothing you should even touch. Being a true original is what you are best at, and even though it ruffles feathers, do you really care? Let them talk.

You've never been one who can be stuffed into a box and never will be. On Wednesday, you'll get the chance to do something extraordinary and quite possibly rebellious. So, go for I. Go where your heart takes you, Taurus, as you are the only one who knows what's best for you.

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2. Gemini

Universe Has A Special Message For Gemini Zodiac Signs On August 7, 2024 helga Frode, brunassaraiva | Canva Pro


The day you fall in line with society is when you suddenly become someone else who isn't YOU, and we all know that won't happen. You have continuously followed the beat of your own drum, and on August 7, you may find that the universe is telling you to stand your ground and remain true to yourself.

Moon trine Uranus means business, Gemini. This transit supports the uniqueness and strong will. You may not know it now, but you have a very, very strong will, and this prevents you from falling in line with society. You won't be a sheep; you make it known to all, even when they sneer at you for your choice.

This Wednesday, you will hear the message loud and clear: You should always remain true to your standards. You are living your life your way, and you won't be made to feel bad about not doing it all 'their way.' Stay strong and true to yourself, Gemini. It's the only way for you.

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3. Libra

The Universe Has A Special Message For Libra Zodiac Signs On August 7, 2024 helga Frode, brunassaraiva | Canva Pro

It would be nearly impossible for you not to follow what your Libra heart tells you. Because you've always been a complete individual, you'll see that on August 7, the only thing the universe has to say to us is to continue. You are doing the right thing. You don't have to be anyone but yourself.

It's indeed hard for you at times to be that original, especially when you find yourself working with people who are either jealous of your ability or just not able to cope with those who are 'different.' You'll always be different, Libra, and during Moon trine Uranus, that difference really shines through.


It's all good — and you know it. Today, it's a whole lot easier just to be yourself than to live up to someone else's expectations of what you should be. On Wednesday, you get to be yourself, and the universe totally supports this idea.

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4. Sagittarius

Universe Has A Special Message For Sagittarius Zodiac Signs On August 7, 2024 helga Frode, brunassaraiva | Canva Pro


While it might not seem as though you need that extra support when it comes to showing your strength or originality, you sometimes feel that you're pushing a boulder up a hill when it comes to showing others what you are worth. You don't have to try that hard, Sagittarius. This is the message of the universe.

During this day's transit, Moon trine Uranus, you'll find that the fabulous YOU that resides inside YOU is good enough and that it's OK to be this fabulous, even if the mob around you can't handle you. Yes, you dazzle and impress, which always sets you apart. Some admire it, and some can't take it.

On August 7, the universe will give you a clear sign to just go with it. Be the shining star that you know you are. Be the greatness that you believe in. Don't worry about being the oddball. There's power in being a misfit, so be the Ace of All Misfits if that's what you want to be. Moon trine Uranus condones it.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
