2 Lucky Zodiac Signs Will Experience Financial Abundance On July 25, 2024

These two zodiac signs are seriously about to cash in

Lucky Zodiac Signs Will Experience Financial Abundance Starting July 25, 2024 SCR3AMFR3AK from Pixabay, rainisarizqui | Canva Pro

Get ready, stargazers, because July 25, 2024, is brimming with cosmic energy, making it a day of dynamic shifts and opportunities. The celestial lineup today is jam-packed with aspects that will influence us all, ushering in a mix of precise, intuitive insights and hardworking, transformative energy. 

Mercury in Virgo 

As a super duper extra special highlight today, Mercury has officially entered Virgo, which will help to sharpen our minds and enhance our ability to communicate our thoughts both more directly and politely. So, let's dive into the astrological weather for the day and see how these major aspects will shape our experiences, shall we?


On July 25, 2024, the Moon, Chiron, Sun, Lilith, and Uranus set the stage for abundance before noon.

The day kicks off with the Moon and  Chiron setting an emotional tone perfect for healing and searching for clarity. Then, the Sun-Lilith encourages us to embrace our true selves and leverage our hidden talents. When everyone is about ready to roll out of bed, the perfect boost of motivation will come our way as the Moon speaks to Uranus, sparking unexpected and creative breakthroughs sure to add shock value.

Moon, Mercury, Neptune, and Mars provide clarity from mid-day through late evening.

By mid-morning, the Moon, Mercury and Neptune enhance our intuition, bringing a touch of confusion into our day. But, no worries, because by noon, the Moon works Mars in Gemini, adding an imaginative, happy-go-lucky, jokester vibe to our energy, which, if utilized properly, can help navigate challenges and emotional difficulties. 


Then, finally, as the day winds down, we sharpen our overall mental acuity and ability to make decisions that align with our emotions to usher in the abundance we all wish to see in our lives.

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On July 25, 2024, Virgo and Aquarius will experience financial abundance.

1. Virgo

Virgo Lucky Zodiac Signs Will Experience Financial Abundance Starting July 25, 2024 artists4love | Canva Pro


Our dear Virgo, as the only sign exalted in its own planet (which is Mercury, the planet of thinking and communication), you're known to overanalyze and be quite critical of yourself sometimes. This is especially true when you're trying something new and not immediately excelling at it. This can lead you to be very risk-averse, where you prefer to stay in your hermit shell and stick to what you’re good at. 

You're also really good at coming up with out-of-the-box, revolutionary ideas. That being said, with the Sun currently in your star-studded neighbor Leo forming a supportive relationship with Lilith, your other money-makin' neighbor, you've probably been contemplating how to leverage your unique skills, new or old, to generate more income for yourself. 

Well, today, you're in luck! This alignment brings all your hidden talents and deep-seated desires to the surface, helping to lead you on a path to surge in financial gains and boost your ethos.

Virgo, as a mutable sign, you can be quite the social chameleon. Plus, as the zodiac sign that rules the sixth house, you are also a healer. However, combining these traits can be a double-edged sword. You may tend to serve others' social needs, but you never fully reveal your true self in relationships. Over time, this becomes draining and makes you feel inauthentic. 


With Mercury entering Virgo and the Sun speaking to Lilth today, that's all about to change. These transits will help you think more clearly and make wiser decisions, which may initially hurt but will benefit you in the long run. You’re stepping out of your doormat tendencies and reclaiming your logical, independent mindset to build the life you want for yourself. 

Now, Virgo, we know you can be incredibly logical (and ruthless) when it comes to making decisions that are best for protecting your mental peace. You have no problem nipping shenanigans in the bud if something displeases you or someone crosses your boundaries. Sometimes, this can make you seem cold-hearted, but it comes from a good place because you understand that only when your cup is full can you pour into others. 

Essentially, that's why this aspect empowers you to stop focusing on others' values and embrace your ethics. It also helps you get back into a perfectionist, the workaholic mode, to achieve your goals and attract the financial success you want.


RELATED: 20 Best And Worst Virgo Personality Traits

2. Aquarius

Aquarius Lucky Zodiac Signs Will Experience Financial Abundance Starting July 25, 2024 artists4love

Aquarius, known for your visionary outlook, originality, and humanitarian spirit, get ready to have these traits supercharged on Friday.  Buckle up because it's about to get cosmic! 


Uranus is set to shake things up like an electric bolt from the blue, bringing unexpected (but welcome) changes to your foundations. It’s like the Universe is handing you the ultimate eureka moment on a silver platter, sparking the innovation within you and helping you tackle any challenges that come your way with a fresh, new and inventive perspective.

Whether you need to kick some outdated practices to the curb or go back to the drawing board and reinvent the wheel, these changes will turn out to be the silver lining in the clouds. Sure, they might seem scary but trust that they’ll soon reveal a major positive. You might even end up with a revolutionary, mind-blowing concept that could lead to a successful career shift or an epic legacy that people will discuss for ages.

But wait, there's more! The Moon and Neptune enhance your intuition about the green stuff — money, that is. This dreamy alignment heightens your financial acumen, nudging you to make decisions that might initially seem a bit out there. 


Trust your gut, Aquarius; it's guiding you towards lucrative opportunities.  This alignment is your cosmic green light to go after those seemingly crazy ideas that just might make you the next Deborah Meaden.  So, keep your eyes on the prize and let your instincts lead the way toward those unexpected gains. 

Remember, Aquarius, you’re the zany genius of the zodiac, the one who sees the world not as it is, but as it could be. So get ready to embrace the changes coming your way and revolutionize your world in true Aquarian fashion today!


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Jla Starr Johnson is a journalist currently enrolled in the Professional Astrologer Training and Certification Diploma Program at Astrology University.
