3 Zodiac Signs Rise Above Challenges On August 6, 2024

We may not want to rise above this challenge ... but we will.

woman in galaxy rising above challenges on august 6 Hoai Thanh via Unsplash / spirit111 via Canva

Anytime there's a transit like the Moon square Mars, we know there's some kind of drama involved. We may think we've mastered solving our particular problems, but August 6 will show us that 'it 'ain't over 'til' it's over.' For three zodiac signs, the astrological flavor of the day brings challenges that beg for us to rise above.

Someone says something we misunderstand, or something shows up that we have to deal with when we really don't want any of it. So, what do these three zodiac signs do when presented with a challenge? We rise above. Carry on.


1. Cancer

Cancer Zodiac Signs Rise Above Challenges On August 6, 2024 Tais Bernabe, KT Paper Designs, Olha 25 | Canva Pro

Due to the nature of Moon square Mars in your particular zodiac sign, you may find that this day, August 6, comes with its challenges, some of which you literally resent for popping up. You weren't necessarily ready to be challenged at this time. So, you'll just have to deal with it. Right? Right. 


The Moon square Mars doesn't just bring the challenges. It also brings the ability to rise above them, as this transit is all about personal strength and fortitude. For you, Cancer, this test is one you can ace easily. You aren't thrilled about being challenged, but hey, it's just another day in life. If you need to rise above, then bingo, and it's done.

The challenge that you'll have to rise above this Tuesday is the one that has you defending what you believe in again. Yes, it may seem very redundant, but the truth is, you're quite tired of having your opinion contested every other day. If you are sticking with your original plan, and it gets challenged by someone else, then that really is 'their' problem.

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2. Leo

Leo Zodiac Signs Rise Above Challenges On August 6, 2024 Tais Bernabe, KT Paper Designs, Olha 25 | Canva Pro


August 6 shows you that you are not the person to be messed with, especially during Leo season. What's more, this Tuesday brings us the transit of the Moon square Mars, which means 'back off.' This is, of course, directed at those who would challenge you today ... and you will be challenged.

OK, so what's another challenge in a sea of conquerable challenges? Not much, and because you've got Moon square Mars on your side, you see the hurdles of the day as part of the deal. You win some, you lose some, and you rise above it all, sooner or later.

This day is a very 'cool' day for you, even though the heat of the Moon square and Mars are upon you. This implies that you are not affected by your surroundings, or rather, negativity doesn't bring you down. Your challenge at this point is to rise above it all and stay that way.

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3. Capricorn

Capricorn Zodiac Signs Rise Above Challenges On August 6, 2024 Tais Bernabe, KT Paper Designs, Olha 25 | Canva Pro

When you have a transit like the Moon square Mars to work with, you, Capricorn, can personally know that challenges are heading your way. Then again, you're pretty much a pro when it comes to tackling them. So, this Tuesday, when a problem comes along, you can whip it.

That's just who you are. You rise above challenges because what else are you going to do? Fold to them? Secede? Nope, that's not happening. You are, by nature, a winner. You see victory in your actions, and rarely do you perceive such things as defeat. So, upon being challenged, you fight back, and you win.


The thing is, you've been here before. If Moon square Mars drops you back into the same ol' same ol' once again, then you'll do what you always do. You nip it in the bud and rise above it all. This is the Capricorn style, and you will walk away nonplussed. No matter what, you manage to make it a good day to be alive. That's just you.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
