4 Zodiac Signs Receive Signs From The Universe On August 6, 2024
This Mercury influence is too great to ignore.
Mercury retrograde has just begun, and with it comes Moon conjunct Mercury to complete the picture, a transit that's all about communication and the act of moving forward — a message that four zodiac signs will receive loud and clear on August 6, 2024.
Consider this a push from the universe telling us to speak up or forever hold our peace. This is very specific to each zodiac sign, but the main 'gist' of the universe's message is to express what we're feeling and not bottle up our emotions.
4 zodiac signs receive signs from the universe on August 6, 2024
1. Taurus
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Taurus loves to eat, there's no denying that — and no shame in it, either! But Taurus doesn't eat just for the sake of eating. The whole culinary experience — the taste, the smells, the feeling — is comforting for you. Moon conjunct Mercury on August 6 is a gentle reminder that you are what you eat.
What you eat elevates your mood and self-esteem. You are not used to feeling down in the dumps. You really like yourself when you live up to your challenges, which is why during an 'active' transit such as the Moon conjunct Mercury, you up your game. If you've been feeling depressed for what seems like no reason at all, think about how you've been feeding your body lately. Make the change. Be the change!
2. Virgo
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When the universe wants you to know something, it sends you a sign that you cannot refuse to see. On August 6, during the Moon's conjunct Mercury transit, what you'll see will be quick and to the point. It will let you know that you can no longer go on kidding yourself about whatever it is you've been kidding yourself about.
This Tuesday puts you in the position to act up. You feel as though you are being taken advantage of and taken for granted, and this is more than likely a work thing. You don't like the way they treat you, and the sign given to you from the universe is the one that says, "SAY SOMETHING ALREADY."
At this point, it's up to you, Virgo. You can ignore the signs and go about your business, knowing that absolutely nothing has changed and will never change. Or, you could listen to the universe and trust in the idea that maybe you are more powerful with words and expression than you give yourself credit for. Hmm.
3. Scorpio
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With Moon conjunct Mercury breathing down your neck, you'll feel as though this day is a surefire sign that you need to make some drastic changes at home and, more than likely, in your romantic life. If you're in a relationship, then something needs to change. If you're not in one and wish to be in one, something has to give.
The Moon conjunct Mercury has you feeling antsy and in need of action. You cannot just stay in this one place, feeling this one way forever and ever. What you are now experiencing, Scorpio, is stagnation, whether you are involved with someone or not. The universe is telling you boldly to get up and move on.
Mercury isn't alone in this — it's working the retrograde angle as well, which means that time really is of the essence. The sign you'll receive on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, tells you that if you don't do something huge to change your ways, then you'll be stuck in the pit, doing nothing, for a long, long time.
4. Sagittarius
mybeautifulfiles, Luninas_Art from pixabay | Canva Pro
You'll get a big hint on Tuesday, August 6, as it really does seem that you have to follow your own heart rather than do what the rest of the sheep are doing. You know you need to get away from something, and even though that 'something' is very popular, you've started to realize that it's just not for you.
You are changing, Sagittarius, and you've also been fighting that change as if you've just been too scared to see what's on the other side of it all. During the transit of Moon conjunct Mercury, you'll get the point as it will be obvious: do your own thing and don't worry about 'them.'
This could be a life-changing day for you. If you listen to the signs made clear to you by the universe, you may just find yourself on the road to happiness. So, take the chance. Follow your heart, and who cares what the popular kids are doing ... be yourself, stay true to yourself, and forge your path.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.