The 3 Zodiac Signs That Are Being Tested By The Universe On August 3, 2024

Sooner or later we're going to make sense of it all.

The 3 Zodiac Signs That Are Being Tested By The Universe On August 3, 2024 SHOTPRIME, priscila patricio, SivStockMedia, buradaki from Getty Images | Canva Pro

During the Leo Moon trine Neptune on August 3, 2024, we will feel like the universe is testing us. Astrologically, we're looking at how transits that contain Neptune's influence tend to work on our minds, perhaps a little too much at times. On Saturday, three zodiac signs may not know the difference between reality and imagination. That's not necessarily a bad thing, either. 

What we're looking at here is a band of influences that lets us see things very clearly, which brings on the confusion. If we see 'everything,' then sooner or later, we will have to make sense of it all. That is how the Leo Moon trine Neptune transit feels like a test.


Of course, if it's a test, then we can achieve it, which we will. It's just about sorting things out for ourselves so that we CAN make the right move and do the right thing. All of this overthinking may, in the long run, have a purpose, and that purpose leads to clarity and simplicity. It's all OK, zodiac signs.

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There's a test from the universe for three zodiac signs on August 3, 2024 for Cancer, Virgo and Pisces zodiac signs.

1. Cancer

The Cancer Zodiac Signs That Are Being Tested By The Universe On August 3, 2024 Aris Leoven from Corelens, Artulina | Canva Pro


You readily admit to overthinking things to the point where they no longer make sense, even to you. While this is a habit you've tried to push aside, you've also figured something out: you can work this to your advantage. While you might feel you're being tested on August 3, hang in there, Cancer ... you'll make it through just fine.

The transit of the Leo Moon trine Neptune automatically brings out the ruminators in all their glory. You get the idea that this is just the way it is for you and that you will more than likely never stop overthinking something. However, you're able to reach a satisfying conclusion.

So, the universe may be testing you and your patience, but you can make use of this grinding kind of time. You will figure out something that warrants your overthinking. What a way to ace a test, Cancer?! You rise above by outthinking it. Interesting!

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2. Virgo

The Virgo Zodiac Signs That Are Being Tested By The Universe On August 3, 2024 Aris Leoven from Corelens, Artulina | Canva Pro

Because of the transit, Leo Moon trine Neptune, you might think that you've taken something the wrong way. This could come around because you don't understand something that someone close to you says, or it might be someone at the office. Still, their words linger, even over the weekend.

What's going on is that, in your overthinking way, you come to see that you can either let it ruin your weekend or you can end it right now. This test is something you've seen happen in your life before, and the cool part is that you've learned. Hmm, so if it's nothing to worry about ... then why spend time worrying about it?


Ah, that's all of it, Virgo. You are the one who writes the rules now, and test or no test, you're not about to give in to that one nagging piece of information that bounces around your psyche, doing nothing but upsetting you for no reason at all. You won this round, Virgo. Nothing gets to you on August 3.

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3. Pisces

The Pisces Zodiac Signs That Are Being Tested By The Universe On August 3, 2024 Aris Leoven from Corelens, Artulina | Canva Pro


Tested by the universe? Ha, oh, that's rich ... or is it, Pisces? What's going on during the Leo Moon trine Neptune on August 3 is that you feel as though you get challenged at every step. You don't know why, and you're starting to wonder if this day is worth getting back into bed and sleeping it through.

You aren't in the mood to get challenged. While the people in your life mean no harm and are only trying to engage you in fun things, you can't quite get that all you really want right now is to be left alone. You make it seem much worse than it really is, and your people think you're taking it too far.

That's why the Leo Moon trine Neptune overpowers you and eventually subdues you. What this means is that you get it. You get that it feels personal and that it seems as if the universe is testing you, but once you say this aloud, the only thing you'll start doing is laughing ... it's all OK. You'll get through this day with very little problem.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
